Glad you guys can finally get it there. We’ve been able to get free once from the pharmacies for a while here, all free. Not that I need any!
Schools seem to use more than I do.
We will just have some and donate the rest.
Wife ordered injectable, due Wed.
My nose spray arrived in less than a week.
Scary thought that schools need it, very sad state of affairs these days. I don’t think I’ll ever need it, gone are the days where I do drugs that may be laced with fentanyl, been years since I’ve done any blow and that was with a buddy who had a reliable source. Despite what the media has said in the past about weed being laced, the police came out and said NO cases of fentanyl-laced pot has been discovered in BC.
But good for you for looking out for the youth! Although you’d think the schools would get their own supply from the state…
As a result of re-veging, I have a great family growing.
I have a Re-veged Mother (now my tent Queen).
Her sisters are outdoors.
She has since sourced no less than three flowering clones.
The best two now occupy two corners in my 4x4 tent.
Two more getting ready for Oct tent time.
Clone #1
Clone #3 Under dome.
Clone #4 Made it to Clone Dome Farm
Today, I freed Three ladies from Clone Dome Farm today and given their own, individual, temp tiny houses, for a month until more affordable and permanent housing can be designed/built
Nice way to go keeping the supply going.
Opened a jar from harvest over winter and 60% since 3/1/23. Some good buds, some shake.
Found 25 seeds today, from my winter propagation routine.
This cool weather will allow me to increase the lights, maybe.
Been running 50Klux/750PPFD I think. Been heat restricted because of garage/lung room exposure to afternoon+setting sun. Next year window AC, maybe. or
Indoor grow vacation June to Sept. Outdoor revegers putting on flower now, some full cola beginnings.
Funny indoors is seasonal, to me, best august to nov
Wanting to earn the GIVE-AWAY-SHARE badge from forum friends.
The clones can replace the Queen, who was flipped and indoored 8/6/23.
A month now, into flower, and I have started to thin the herd. 3 inch pieces begining but too early trichs, but beautiful and need to open others. Still got 10 inches above canopy if needed.
HLG’s usually at 50% or less, until now. Mind blowing thinking about December and 100% HLGs.
Outdoors, I am learning and shaping my yard for successful growing. Long term plan, requires much dirt and plant movement. 5 year plan, 4 to go.
White roots showing in bottom of cup.
She now resides in the big tent, way down low.
Her older sister, doing well in corner.
@WaPNWGrower You traveling to Coupeville soon?
My Two “LOGANBERRY” plants arrived today.
Started ordering for next season yard additions.
California Poppies, red poppies and two raspberry plant.
Rabbits love them.
PNW weather update, my weather guy says RAIN, Sat lat, Sun, Mon, and Tue.
Updates to follow.
My outdoor grow needs no rain and my indoor will not get watered.
Clones can fend for themselves.
Going to be moving dirt this weekend.
Re-shape yard with new spring stuff.
Pollinators need more support, IMO, IME.
I bought a USB Microscope.
Hopefully, it will take me where my eyes cease.
howdy Dave, Im late by a couple days but my apple season is in peak right now, will put away a couple gallons apple sauce or preserve over the next week.
The usb scope… I want one not for tric reading but it seems like a good tool for finding contamination, rot, etc.
Get a microphone stand for it , cheap thru Amazon wiil help to take steady pictures otherwise almost impossible. Just my .02
Same one many of us in the forum use that’ll work perfectly