Re-veg or not re-veg

hi guys,can someone please help.Its may here in aust a good mth for buds to start to tighten, I have a plant that i have grown from a random seed for 4 mths, Last 9 wks in flower,pretty sure some type of sativa but i am definite newbie. Plant is in supa-soil in 12in pot, never given any xtra nutes except molasses. Problem is buds are light and airy even though pistils are 75% red. Trychs seem little milky but their is foxtails and new growth. Have allready harvested half of buds but not sure whether i can leave some growth to re-veg because our winter is about to start and i dont have lights or indoor setup, PH has always been between 6 and 6.5, i just do’nt get it, nights are getting longer and weather colder but this plant thinks it’s on vacation in mexico, Have also noticed a lot of yellowing of fan leaf through all areas any ideas would be gratefully accepted by this learner sponge.

@Coltfire @BondPacker @Simo78 few of the Aus guys to help out

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thanks for reply bob,i think i will let remaining buds grow out,still a fair few white hairs coming through even with 75% turning red. Can’t put them under lights so maybe bring inside, keep in dark and pray to the god of great bulbous nuggets they re-enter flower,

you really can’t go by the hairs. the trichomes are the true measure

As you can see the hairs are clearly red/ brown but the trichomes are still clear/ milky

@spongefiller I say bring her in and let her finish! It will be tough to do without lighting though…

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@spongefiller Just like @bob31 said, ignore the pistols they mean nothing. Always look at the tricomes, that’s your indicator. If you don’t have a jewelers loupe you can purchase on Amazon. :+1::smiley:

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The brother in-law has done just that ,left a few lower buds on and now letting it re veg outside with success, so you can do it ,

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thanks 4 thoughts mate,its a bit of dilemma cause buds are foxtailing but can’t notice any new leaves on stems. Also days are getting shorter here in nth aus,Would rather flowering continue but buds are fairly light,Nice smell and moderate tricomes just airy, Thanks for responce

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thanks heaps for talking to me bob31, i understand concept of checking trikes,it’s more about making right decision to try and thicken yield out of these light buds by bringing inside in dark room or trying to re-veg without lights in a declining season outside.Sorry if none of this makes any sense as this is first time with sticky fingers.

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Without strong light those buds won’t get any denser. I have left a plant to finish off a bit more after harvesting the top half…the Buds that were left went purple n got nice and sticky …but they were very light.
If you do leave it to reveg you should be prepared for the plant to look like total crap for the winter…well in South West WA that’s what happens anyway.


No need to apologize! It’s all good


Airy buds and fox tailing outside make me think of light issues, how much sun exposure does it get?
The latest a plant should be harvested in Aus is basically today, or within a week of this time.
If you try to re veg it, its not going to be easy to keep it alive as it won’t actually start veg again till spring, and depending on where you live the nights could get way too cold for a plant thats already been half cut down and stressed out


hey@bondpacker,thanks for reply.Trying to understand whats going on with this one plant. Here on gold coast plenty sunlight,plant had direct sun for 7-8 hrs and indirect 2-3.Every bud covered in sm clear trichomes.most hairs have already turned brown but all buds growing new hairs and sugarleaves,Maybe exposed to some sort of light when in flower,i really dont know, PH has always been good, What i already pulled of has been light and airy,but still a good smoke when cured.As previously said no indoor lights,total outdoor grow,Trying to borrow camera to take a pic, I think it’s gone to re-veg on it’s own.

No problem mate, I’m thinking a couple possibilities, possibly just a bad seed, is it just a bag seed or did you get it online from here or somewhere else?

This is another possibility, where abouts it it situated? If theres a street light nearby it can cause exactly whats happening with your plant, along with strange growth patterns prolonged flower period and also turn plants hermaphrodite

How big of a pot is it in also? Or is it in the ground?

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It’s in a 12in pot in back yard,no noticeable light source. Yeah it’s just a random seed from a mate,but it really took off. Never given any nutes cept molasses,really bulked up soil to start with. Looks like little random sacks between some branches. Hermie? Trying to add photo but don’t know what i’m doing. Not much left but hopefully enough for you to see. If i took inside in a dark room for couple days would that help tighten buds?, Sorry mate,pretty new to all this.

No need for apologies mate we all start off somewhere, you came to the right place if you wanna learn how to grow thats for sure. Cant really see any definite hermi signs but it sure is a strange looking plant. My guess is its possibly a bad seed, bad genetics from the start. Another thing youve gotta look at is how much nutrients, or in this case lack of nutrients play a part in the grow.
Super soil that you said you planted in is great if its the right mix and you definitely shouldnt need to fertilise your plants during veg, but when growing outdoor veg can last for for 4-5 months, by the end of this every bit of nutrients that was in your super soil has been used up. When plants flower is when they really need proper nutrients to bulk up. If it was in the ground it’d have access to the natural nutrients in there, which isnt all that much but its enough to get it through. When growing in pots, you have to add every bit of nutes that the plant needs throughout its life cycle. While flowering your plant is super hungry for phosphorous and potassium and in your case it had no access to either of those at all. Ive never used molasses but all off the pretty knowledgable guys on here advice to not use it as it does nothing good for the plant so id steer clear of using it. Id say lack of nutrients could of played a big part in why the buds are so airy, proper feeding is what makes the plant strong and makes the buds big, so without this feeding the plant will suffer.

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Also sorry to say but a dark room won’t do anything to help tighten the buds up in this case, you could still do it to slightly boost the trichome production but it won’t make the buds any denser. Look at as a good learning curve for next years grow mate, with the proper feeding schedule and some good seeds you could grow a monster with tight dense buds :v:

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Waiting on some white widow and nth lights auto’s from ILGM and seedsman,should be here soon,in the meantime i just want to say how over the moon i am with the responses from you guys.Everything easy to understand even 4 newbie like me,a total stranger.feeling the love[sorry got carried away a bit], I hope when i get these auto’s started i can catch up again. Many.many thanks

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Happy to help out brother, hope to see you start a journal of your grow on here would love to see how things go! You’ll be more than happy with the ILGM beans, seen lots of WWauto grows on the forum and they always produce big sticky buds


just couple of quick questions for you buddy,is that some sort of nute deficiance on those leaves.if so can you recommend something and if i re-potted with more supa-soil would that help with re-veg or do you think lost cause.

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