Accidental re-veg

1st time grower.
I have 2 plants outdoors in the southern United States. (First 2 pics are plant 1, last 2 pics are plant 2). Plant 2 has been growing better and has more buds than plant 1. Plant 1 has more new leaf growth.

They were growing relatively well, sprouted early March. Now I realized I may have started too early, resulting in accidental re-veg.

Bag seeds, using fox farm nutes, plus some additional nitrogen when they started yellowing on the bottom leaves. We have also been getting heavy rain recently.

My question now, if I correct the light and keep them on a 12/12 light schedule, will they return to flower and will the buds mature?

I took 2 clippings from plant 1 which is showing significantly more new leaf growth, hoping to clone in case these girls are a loss.

If you correct your lighting issues, your plant should go back into flower. You may notice some odd growth patterns if your plants revegged, but once you get them back on track they should grow fairly normal.


It can take a few weeks to revert back to regular veg, then you have to go a couple/few weeks of transition back into flower. But still need that normal veg time in between.

Buuut like you said, get them back on 12/12 and you can probably go back into flower. Will have some funny looking buds here and there, most likely, but should make it.

Taking clippings now, they will have to go into an 18/6 or longer light cycle. They will need to go through the full cycle mentioned above, but will also have to root first. I’m all for saving plants until I know for a fact they aren’t going to make it

By the way, welcome aboard!!! You have found free growing college basically with a ton of great, friendly growers that only want every other grower to harvest that good good!!

Good luck and happy growing!!!


Thank you!!
This gives me hope, I’m going to be on top of my lighting schedules now lol lesson learned.

I have the clippings outside with indirect light and bring them inside after dark to make sure they’re getting more light. So far so good. I expected some trial and error, that’s how you learn.

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Awesome, thank you! I was afraid the buds would die or that it might produce more buds and I’d have some over ripe and some not mature enough.
I’ll be keeping my eye on them with the corrected light schedule.

Are you just setting them in a room with a light on? Or do you have an actual LED for growing.

I made a SCROG for mine @Borderryan22 ! @merlin44 @kellydans @kaptain3d @Storm have been a huge help also along my journey!

These guys really know their shit! You will learn a ton from this group!


I don’t have a grow light yet, I just have them under a bright ass ring light/lamp for light when it gets dark out.

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Hey @Jesss welcome to the community. Stick around we love to see Everybody have a successful grow.


Oof, sorry to be that guy, but won’t do a thing for cannabis. Lights are one thing that it’s good to try and spend a little more on. HLG, Spider Farmer, AC Infinty, Mars Hydro. All good brands. I think all have veg specific lights, too.


If you intend to keep them inside on 12/12, it’s crucial to get a light that puts out 40w per swuare foot. For instance, say your space is 3x3, than 300-360 true watts, from the wall will be needed. Something with Samsung LM301 diodes or equivalent. Watch for marketing gimmicks. Lots will say 600w or 1000w, but actually only put out 10-20% of that. Optimal lighting, especially in flower, is vital for flower production.


Thank you for all the info! I’m definitely going to look into more supplies for indoor.
I was starting outdoor, but we’re getting a little over 13 hrs of light in my area right now which isn’t ideal for the stages any of my plants are in :smiling_face_with_tear:

The plants that are in reveg have been strictly outdoor. I got a tent to put them in so they’re getting solid 12 hrs of dark.

I was just trying to get the clippings more hours under light, using that lamp.

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Thank you!! I’m definitely not giving up! Just starting small and hopefully next years grow will be better


I agree with @Borderryan22 that your plant needs more than what that light can give. I have a friend who has a smaller grow space and he picked up this inexpensive panel and it’s done a great job for a couple of cycles now:


For a successful indoor grow lights will be your most important piece of equipment. That will be where you will need to spend the most money.You buy a cheap tent cheap exhaust fan Circulating fans , TDS meter.
Happy growing :v:


There are brands that have entire tent kits, some better than others. I grow in a closet, tho. And no worries! That’s exactly why this place is here! Never knew more to growing than just tossing seeds from broken up buds out in the yard.