Quick question for anyone

Does anyone know how long before you should add nutrients when using fox farms ocean soil @garrigan62 @Majiktoker @DissidentPriest I’m starting to notice my leaves tips turning yellow

I haven’t added any nutrients except a teaspoon/ gallon. Root thrive when I watered. I also have a bug eating thru leaves but I still haven’t found what it is

Ocean soil, should have enough nutrients to take you through the whole veg stage, depending on how long you veg for. How long have they been in the soil? Most people that use that soil, don’t have to add nutrients until the flower stage, correct me if I’m wrong anyone.


Bugs likely to be gnats or aphids of some sort in fox farm soil, you shouldn’t have to until the plant has been in it for Atleast 2-3 months @Macadon


Thats what I was thinking @Hawkeye_diesel they have been in for about two weeks

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Thanks @Majiktoker I thought the yellow tips might be a nitrogen deficiency. I do see nats flying around Should I be worried and if so what’s the best way to get rid of them?

Yellow tips are over fertilization signs, and really hard to give an answer on how to rid them not knowing what it is as for now id say De

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Gonna sound crazy but 2 things for gnats:

  1. Place a small open jar(s) of Apple vinegar in the area you see the gnats. They will drown in it.
  2. Hang zip lock bags with water in them over your plants and access points.

Do you mean use the Ziploc bags and the Apple vinegar or just one of the methods @DissidentPriest

Thanks @Majiktoker

My pleasure @Macadon

Thanks for the help @Hawkeye_diesel

Use both. The vinegar will help draw existing gnats away from plants and to their doom. The ziplock bags of water will dissuade any further transgressions. This is how we control gnats and flies in my kitchen during the height of summer.


So I plan to use ffof as well, I will not need any nutrients until bloom? Just wanted to be sure cause I’m looking into buying nutes. I thought I had read that with ffof you are good for 2 to 3 weeks only?

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So I should feel the bags with water, close them then hang them? @DissidentPriest

Right, you shouldn’t need any nutrients through the veg stage and by flower time shell have used up all nutrients in the soil by then likely but even then you want to start off lightly if you have a thread and tag me to it I can jump over and help guide you there when the time is right


No problem brother, if you need anythin else just holler

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Yeah @Zombo that ffof has a lot of nutrients in it already

Sure will @Hawkeye_diesel​:grin::grin:

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@Majiktoker, appreciate it, I’m still a way off yet but just trying to learn and read as much of the threads as I can. @Macadon had asked a good ? that I had been thinking about as well

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I hear ya, any questions feel free to ask if you have alot start your own thread so we dont hijack macadons thread

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