Question for outdoor superstars here

I’m new to the forum so sorry if this isn’t in the right place. I have a nice outdoor setup going on. I would like to know if anybody here has knowledge about beneficial companions to MJ. I use companion planting a lot in my food gardens. What are the best companions for pest control, oder reduction and general overall well being of my garden

Any thoughts are much appreciated


I have chamomile, basil, lemon balm, dill, lavender and marigolds and a few others I can’t remember right now oh yeah and sunflowers


Thanks, I knew I would get some good feedback. I use basil and dill with my veggies. Lavender sounds good and I’d completely forgotten about the properties of marigolds. I’ll check out you link. I think we are neighbors by the by. I’m in Verde Valley.

Thanks again Plumbdand.

Rosemary puts out pinene terpenes which makes a great cover scent when growing cannabis.


Thanks for that, I have a large rosemary I can transplant. In multiple attempts I’ve never been able to clone Rosemary or Lavender. I hate having to pay HD and local nursery prices. The scent isn’t the biggest issue as I live next to an uninhabited twenty acre parcel. I had to build my outdoor GH as a king of closed off lean to with lattice for air flow and to keep the deers and peccary at bay.

Those damn javalina

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Wontonly destructive, ornery, and persistent. Whats to like. If I wake up and they are about I use my sling shot with some glass beads to discourage them. They can move surprisingly fast when they want to.

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I start all my companion plants from seeds except the marigolds

I’m in PV on 2 acres I just built a 10x12 greenhouse and have a 5x10 dog run that I put plastic over. Heat and humidity are my biggest problems.

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Yes the heat here is brutal. I have some clone I made that half just died yesterday I think it was heat. I’ve had some setbacks, thinking its nutrient lock up or a type of mosaic/root rot problem. I’m trying to figure out how to upload pictures from my desktop.

I have a swamp cooler in my greenhouse and a 30% shade cloth covering the west side. Without it it was getting 140+ today it only got to 95 in there today

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IT hit 101 here today plus the smoke from the fire, was a good day to stay in.

It was 101 here too, it’s 90 in my house right now 81 outside AC took a crap.

Oh , $hit…
I think mine did too…
It’s 82 degrees in the house right now …
It’s hard to tell tho because it’s 115 outside right now and it’s 2 o’clock in the morning…
Stupid ridiculous…
Might have to make a call in the morning…
Vents are blowing cold air tho…
Weird or just really f^ckin hot right now…
Hard to say…


Danm @Oldguy is on it…
You should run a 24 hour service of anything … .
Ya , shit…
I’m Hoping that it ain’t to bad…
Wife hasn’t noticed yet… :shushing_face::thinking::upside_down_face::grin:
It’s 115 outside right now…
So I’m not sure if everything is working right or not…
Cheap ac…
Was already here when I bought the place…
It’s also 2 :30 am at the moment…
We are cooking basically…
Just very , very slow…

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Almost 7 am here :wink:
Damn brother. You weren’t kidding when you called it the devils taint. :joy:
We got 58 this morn goin up to 70 for a daytime high. :wink:

It’s 115 right now outside and it’s 3 in the morning…
What the $hit…
Not sure what to think…
I’m basically in a oven at the moment…
82 in the house with the ac on non stop…
It’s going to be hell in a couple of hours…
I am not liking the odds…

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Check ur filter to make sure u got no blockage before you call for a service if you haven’t looked lately. Might save a few bucks. :thinking:

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Ya , did all of that…
Honestly I think that the ac is undersized for my house…
Just bought it 2 years ago and when the ac went out 3 years ago the land lord at the time went as cheap as possible…
That’s why I got my house so cheap…
I knew all of this would come to a head…
Hopefully it’s all affordable at the moment…
It’s kinda hard to get someone or even myself to climb around in a attic that’s running 167 degrees…
That’s no joke…
Just shot it with my Lazer …
Way too danm hot for anyone really…