I’m new to the forum so sorry if this isn’t in the right place. I have a nice outdoor setup going on. I would like to know if anybody here has knowledge about beneficial companions to MJ. I use companion planting a lot in my food gardens. What are the best companions for pest control, oder reduction and general overall well being of my garden
Thanks, I knew I would get some good feedback. I use basil and dill with my veggies. Lavender sounds good and I’d completely forgotten about the properties of marigolds. I’ll check out you link. I think we are neighbors by the by. I’m in Verde Valley.
Thanks for that, I have a large rosemary I can transplant. In multiple attempts I’ve never been able to clone Rosemary or Lavender. I hate having to pay HD and local nursery prices. The scent isn’t the biggest issue as I live next to an uninhabited twenty acre parcel. I had to build my outdoor GH as a king of closed off lean to with lattice for air flow and to keep the deers and peccary at bay.
Wontonly destructive, ornery, and persistent. Whats to like. If I wake up and they are about I use my sling shot with some glass beads to discourage them. They can move surprisingly fast when they want to.
Yes the heat here is brutal. I have some clone I made that half just died yesterday I think it was heat. I’ve had some setbacks, thinking its nutrient lock up or a type of mosaic/root rot problem. I’m trying to figure out how to upload pictures from my desktop.
I have a swamp cooler in my greenhouse and a 30% shade cloth covering the west side. Without it it was getting 140+ today it only got to 95 in there today
Oh , $hit…
I think mine did too…
It’s 82 degrees in the house right now …
It’s hard to tell tho because it’s 115 outside right now and it’s 2 o’clock in the morning…
Stupid ridiculous…
Might have to make a call in the morning…
Vents are blowing cold air tho…
Weird or just really f^ckin hot right now…
Hard to say…
Danm @Oldguy is on it…
You should run a 24 hour service of anything … .
Ya , shit…
I’m Hoping that it ain’t to bad…
Wife hasn’t noticed yet…
It’s 115 outside right now…
So I’m not sure if everything is working right or not…
Cheap ac…
Was already here when I bought the place…
It’s also 2 :30 am at the moment…
We are cooking basically…
Just very , very slow…
Almost 7 am here
Damn brother. You weren’t kidding when you called it the devils taint.
We got 58 this morn goin up to 70 for a daytime high.
It’s 115 right now outside and it’s 3 in the morning…
What the $hit…
Not sure what to think…
I’m basically in a oven at the moment…
82 in the house with the ac on non stop…
It’s going to be hell in a couple of hours…
I am not liking the odds…
Ya , did all of that…
Honestly I think that the ac is undersized for my house…
Just bought it 2 years ago and when the ac went out 3 years ago the land lord at the time went as cheap as possible…
That’s why I got my house so cheap…
I knew all of this would come to a head…
Hopefully it’s all affordable at the moment…
It’s kinda hard to get someone or even myself to climb around in a attic that’s running 167 degrees…
That’s no joke…
Just shot it with my Lazer …
Way too danm hot for anyone really…