Probably wasted more money

Need to raise my PH a bit and seen this at lowes. figured I could add a little calcium and mag at same time. This stuff serve a purpose or just save it for my yard? Thanks all


It works great in my vegetable garden.
I’m brewing up some soil for my next run and added this to the mix.
Every fall I add to my garden after I spread compost over it.if my memory serves me right,lime doesn’t burn plants and helps correct soil ph.I think one can get pulverized or pelletized lime.either way I don’t think you wasted your coin.


I layer in dolomite lime as a pH stabilizer. It really can’t be used to raise pH, but it does help stabilize pH and provides some level of extra nutrients (calcium and magnesium.)


@Meloco1980 yes I concur I put Dolomite lime in in all my mixes from the beginning probably a couple of tablespoons per gallon of medium. If you’re growing in soil or even cocoa you definitely ain’t going to hurt it by adding some lime. Lime has calcium and magnesium in it. If I forget to put it in when I’m making up my medium I’ll just put it in after I planted and kind of work it into the first inch of the soil and it’ll work its way through there as you water. And it does help to stabilize pH


Thanks all sounds like i can get some use out of it. im still very much new at growing so always find myself browsing the garden section looking for somethi g i need or imagine I need.

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I’ve used this. Premix it in your water container, crush it as much as you can beforehand. Each consecutive watering will also further break it down.

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@Meloco1980. Your lime is pelletized, which means it is slow release, if used as is. The powered type is better for what we grow.
Hey, I wish that a bag of lime was all that I have wasted money on. You should see my cabinet full of nutrients and supplements, and I only use maybe 10% of.


I was thinking about purchasing a ball mill to pulverize dry amendments. Did anyone ever try this? I wonder if you could make your own amendments. Grind up some sea shells or chicken bones.


Keep us posted if you do

I think that is called a “motar and pestil”

Or hammer and a paper towel… lol.


On my second bag. Dolomite lime being the only way I was able to stop PH going lower.


Glad the spelling cops dont work this beat.

Duh, motar, lol. Mortar and is it pestil or pestal, too stoned to look it up.

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After further review, its called a mortar and pestle.


A molcajete. We use the crap outa them here on the southern border.

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Motar and Pestle
Good salsa is .made with this

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My whole life, until recently I’ve been saying “wheel barrel” instead of wheelbarrow.
I nveer put ensaphis on sellping. Even though that sentence was jumbled, you know what I said.

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For black powder?


Have spelled wheel barrow both ways in past 2 wks, wife needs new tire, lol, wife needs, has nice sound to it. She wanted it, she uses it often.

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They use ball mills to make charcoal into “air float” consistency for making black powder for fireworks. When they want to refine the final composition a very long extension cord is used, and the mill is placed far away from any structures. Fortunately, we don’t need to worry about chicken bones exploding unexpectedly. I think the finer the amendment is ground the better it can be utilized by the soil microbes, Scientists out there??