So this plant sprouted April 3rd. So it’s about five weeks veg. I’d like to flip it to flower next week. I’ve only done it once before (my other plant is starting week 4 of flower today)
I didn’t really lollipop enough last time. And ended up pulling more off in week three of flower.
Idk what I should really do to this plant before flipping it. I know I should defoliate some of the leaves and open up the bud sites. Think it’s too low to lollipop lol. What would you do???
Take my advice for what it is worth, it is a bit different than many folks would recommend.
I don’t remove the lower leaves, I do remove all of the new grow (potential bud sites) below the 4th or 5th node from the top at the point when I flip them.
You plant is looking good.
Do just defoliate fan leaves covering bud sites. Then also defoliate all those tiny bud sites that arent a decent stronger size. That makes sense. My other plant in flower I ended up cutting a few bud sites off and I swear the other buds got bigger the next day.
Also thanks. It always didn’t look this good. I had high p.h lock out. Nute burn. Etc
I’m getting the hang of it… Maybe
Truthfully, I don’t remove fan leaves very often. The only time is if they are inhibiting air flow. On mine, the growth that will be buds is above the fan leaves in a couple of days.
Again take this for what it is worth. Most folks remove nearly all of the fan leaves by this time in their grows.
Edit: @BassNBricks here is a link to my grow log if you want to see how I do things. It is long so don’t try to look at all of it.
@merlin44 you just LST? It looks like you have one main kola but the whole thing looks more like a bush.
I do LST and use a SCROG. I usually get 15 - 20 large colas per plant. It is very difficult to tell which is the main unless you look under the canopy and trace the stem from the soil.
I top then LST… i dont lollipop or remove leaves either. I leave them for snacky snack during flower…
Do you mainline?
I just topped one of mine. Its up to 6 nodes so i pinched the very top new growth out and left the 2 little leaves that are just starting out alone. Those will grow into 2 more sites that will sprout buds. Right? Will those 2 new branches be the only 2 places that i will get buds? Do i need to top both of those also?
You can do whatever you like. Bit if you top, youll get 2, top that youll get 4
Is it your birthday? Im sering the slice of cake by your alias… happy birthday!
How many hours should i keep my lights on a day? Whats a good cycle for veging bag seed photo periods? Ive been going 16/8?
Also. Im having a heck of a time trying to program the ACinfinity pro69s interface. I dont even know what half that stuff is?
Its my Cannaversary. Ive been with the growmunity a year today. As far as light cycle. I use 18.6 for veg 12.12 for flower. I only use ac infinity exhaust and intakes and the 69 pro control them.through wifi. Havent figured out all the other bells and whistles
Mainling with the right strain is productive.
I have no idea which strain these seeds are. I found them. I dont know if im going to mainline them, i dont think i am. I have pruned off some of the bigger sun leaves off the bottom to give way to more for the top though. This always helps tomato plants. I always pinched off those succker leaves too. But on Cannabis it looks like you want those there to grow out? This is my first Cannabis grow so, i really dont know whats going to produce flowers yet. I dont know exactly whatvto trim or train. I need to see it start to grow.
LOL I am just a lazy grower. I cut off any leaves with nutrient issues and tuck others.
I am all about a decent harvest for the family (I don’t smoke - just grow). I have great information from amazing growers but something always comes up and I keep a note to try it next grow.
Retirement has made me realize to not be so rigid.
I’m three days into a grow doing just that.
Nice to know I am not alone!