Pre flower? and time to add nutrients?

Hello all I have just been adding cal mag plus in ph RO water except once when I used recharge about 3 weeks ago. The run off is 1550 in one and 2100 the other. Now should I start to add a little big bloom? and are they in pre flower? TIA

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What type of soil are you using. If you are using something like FF OF don’t start adding nutrients until your girls are telling you that they are hungry. They look healthy so you don’t want to burn them up with unnecessary nutrients. I see that your ppm’s are still high enough to feed plants. Once they drop into the 900 ppm range then you should consider adding nutrients. With them in flower keep checking your runoff. Those numbers will most likely start dropping quick.


I’m using happy ff hf and I will keep an eye on the ppm. Thanks so much @Bulldognuts

Do you have anything other than big bloom for flower? Big bloom is not a bloom nute. It’s mostly just micronutrients. Definitely agree with letting ppm come down before adding anything else.

@BobbyDigital I also have tiger bloom and grow big. Question since I have just watered is it necessary to flush? TIA

If you’re running fox farms nutrients, you’ll want to follow the flush schedule which is every 4 weeks. If you just watered them you’d be fine to flush. If it’s been a day or two, wait until she dries out again