What’s she telling me? More light?
It’s hard to see in the pic but she be standing at attention all the time
What’s she telling me? More light?
It’s hard to see in the pic but she be standing at attention all the time
Praying seems to be a sign that the plant is happy about the light. It’s a sign of good health.
Ahh good I thought she was happy but wanted to make sure she wasn’t asking for mor, I already singed her tips a touch, getting jiggy with the lights dial
Yeah, praying is a strange behavior. I’ve had plants droop after a watering only to pray the next day when the lights come on. I’ve noticed that growth is at its maximum during these praying periods. It happens often with my girls, but usually only takes place during veg.
Yeah this little effer has been nothing bu a pain in the ass when it comes to growing. She is either laying down the most elaborate root system ever,or just screwing with me in general
I dropped another seed as I’m tired of Gary 3.0 possibly wasting my time and effort
maybe next seed try the name kevin. i hear its a good name for plants lmao