Powdery Mildew, we meet at last!

It i was a bit relaxed with checking the plants for a few days, then the rain came, weather changed from one day to another, from very hot to kind-of cold (for this area), and this morning i found this on 2 different colas…
Took them down inmediatly , taking care of not touching anything else, checked the rest of the plants but didn’t find anything obvious for me, so i cleaned some buds from the colas i took down to dry and test them later, and already discarded the fungus filled parts…
Im expecting a similar disaster when lights on again tonight…
Going to prepare for an early harvest and a H2O2 wash…

Ouch :confounded: I was almost afraid to hit this thread because I have not met this yet. Didn’t want to jinx my grow

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Are you certain that you have white powdery mildew? When I zoom in there appear to be webs.

I had something that looked similar last grow (happened during drying actually) and it was spider mites.
Had to sterilize both grow rooms and the drying box, still a little bit freaked out by it.

@Myfriendis410 is an expert at spotting and treating WPM as well as spider mites and nearly every other pest that will likely attack our plants.


@merlin44 I agree doesn’t really look like white powder mildew that I have seen before .


Bud rot? And wpm

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I am still thinking spider mites…not sure though

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My deisil had the same white webbing with the bud rot


Good to know, I have not had that pleasure (bud rot) yet. Been lucky so far except those pesky spider mites.

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Spider mites usually look like this
Photo not mine

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It’s more like a cotton stuff, actually not sure how this thing is called…
It went from not to full cola in one night…
Bud rot looks like this?

Fungus/molds can grow extremely fast.
It looks like a form of bud rot.
Take a toothpik and try to pull it…webs will be sticky…mold will give no resistance.


I’m so intrigued :thinking:

I found the discarded piece, and opened it up, and now it seems like bud rot?
I don’t have a clue, but sucks like a mf

That’s bud rot.

Get your tents RH down as low as possible. Keep it above 70f in there.
Be careful handling the plants. Botrytis spreads by spores. Look closely for strange colored/curled leaves on colas. It starts from the stems, to the inside, finally you’ll see it outside the bud.


It’s 6 hours more for lights on, and im dying with anxiety…
Hopefully i can avoid more damage and save more flowers…
I’ll spend this time reading about it, thanks for the heads up man

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That sucks man but at least you spotted it and that’s a big deal

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Make sure there’s plenty of air movement/exchange in the tent.
An h2o2 spray won’t do anything except increase humidity and possibly create more rot.
Potassium bicarbonate and water sprayed on the plant will raise the surface pH to a point where botrytis cant flourish, but once it’s gotten a foothold it’s hard to eradicate. It may also burn parts of the plant.

If you’re close to harvest I’d prepare to do it a little early. If you’re weeks away the potassium bicarbonate might give you an extra week or so. Either way discard anything moldy and def do an h2o2 bath.