Powdery Mildew Time

With the onset of fall in the Pacific Northwest, I have been battling a case of Powdery Mildew on my Pineapple Chunk plant. This is the first time so considering myself lucky. I have been using Green Cure Fungicide-Potassium Bicarbonate for a week now. Decided to use it because it was said to kill the spores. What spots keep cropping up are sprayed and then some. Has anyone washed their plant off after a period of treatments, or should I leave it alone?

one of the photo’s shows a leaf that has been displaying some symptoms that look a little like overwatering…or is it a nutrient surplus/deficiency? Also has some PM on it.

Not looking forward to defending against bud rot in the upcoming weeks, but I get it every time and have gotten…well…kind of good at seeing it early and attacking and

carefully removing it.

Kind of worn out!


So, I guess in the way I tend to over do things, this leaf and others are displaying burn from the Potassium Bicarbonate. Not the way anyone wants to see their efforts and all the work that goes into doing this shit dashed.

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Man that sucks hope everything turns out good for you!! Keep on keeping on Growmie :muscle::sunglasses::facepunch:

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Thank you…I’m kind of just being a big baby about it and letting everyone know. LOL
I am seeing a nice turn in the past few days that tell me the end is still a some weeks away.
Just not fond of washing smoke to keep it. Comforted that other people have done it and have not sent out a dire warning against it. Well…some have. to be fair.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy: Nah just venting problems.