I will be starting my 5th grow. I can’t get enough! Has become my hobby and passion. My gf raises an eyebrow when I speak of the girls, and just waiting for the “You love your plants more than you love me!” I think I am about halfway viewing EVERYTHING growing related on youtube.
I am so grateful that this forum has been a heavens awakening and cant say enough times thank you for your input.
Now excuse me while I fumble through creating Pot Growers Anonymous before someone beats me to it.
~puff, puff, pass.
Nice plants , im on my 3rd grow in the modern era , so much easier now than when you had to hide it from the cops ,thieves and deer , i still hate the trimming though
When I started ones in ground they were 6 inches tall. I didnt think I would have 7 foot plants with missiles sticking out… kinda loses the tomato plant effect… too many eyes.
I was just having this conversation with a coworker. He says now a days ppl do so much to weed so its not the same. I feel like on one hand its not so much as they are adding stuff to it. I think ppl just learned how to grow better weed period. Like you said they weren’t using all these nutes and what not years ago. I prefer new aged smoke!