It truly is!
And the crazy thing is that a camera doesnt come close to catching its true glory! I swear i get lost for half an hr or more when i look in on her but i enjoy it so lol. Most of the time im in awe kinda, its nuts to me how big these colas and buds developed while in transplant shock. They are huge, im actually having to put twistie ties on some of the branches to secure them from sagging under the weight plus i utilize a fan blowing mildly kinda up at an angle directly at the middle of the pot and lower defoliated portion of her and it does a great job at keeping a good airflow in/out with a humidifier at the opening. I got a new marshydro TSW2000 300 watt arriving monday that a nice addition to the light i have (marshydro ts1000) they have dimmer boxes so i can link them together and start pumping oit some nice yields. I wanna get up to pounds every harvest with a goal of flowering 3 to 4 plants at a time in constant rotation. Im an organic soil grower but wanna build and learn the concepts and science behind Hydroponics because i think the turnaround rate from seed to harvest is quicker or atleast i think it is,could be wrong. @Lightbrightt2010 just wanna say i appreciate when you chime in. It seems ive made a small group of friends on here and youre one that supports and gives advice at times
That’s what we are here for, I’m new but what I learn I pass on or just crack a joke to lighten the mood cause I know at times these girls can become a grey hair moment
Yeah that last part! Omg they can make me bipolar lmao,one day ill be all happy and thinking its smooth sailing on out and out of nowhere im hit with junk like havimg to repot a flowering plant in iys 3rd week because it was rootbound, nutrient locked and in miracle grow soil. I was a basket case thinking i was losing 500 or more dollars if the damn thing died ,but its recovering beautifully and even pumping out huge colas and are covered in trichs so thick its like jack frost visited her with permanent frostiness. Like.i swear some.of the trichs are so thick they look like literal 1/8 inch long crystals covering certain portions
Ive never seen anything like it
Yeah I’ve noticed they trigger your unkind side I usually stay away from them post til you come around
Omg. Lol i cant look that bad lmao Im a worry wart and over analyze everything
Yeah I’ve seen that too, I wait til it works out for ya before I make any smart as* comments. I know how them situations are, sometimes it makes you angrier.
Good you got something to keep u busy. Yeah it’s 10 here. But I gotta work tomorrow, my weekend, boooooo. Have a good night.
Omg you are funny! Youd have me laughing all day if i was working aroumd you. I kind find it funny i come off like that because i try to be as polite and respectful as possible. You must be a seer lol because only a few people can sense i got a temper without reslly knowing me
Yeah unfortunately I can read people without really knowing them, people have little tell tell signs into them true selves without even noticing and those are the things I pick up on. Gift and a curse, I try not to truly judge people by them cause we all have a past and story so I just go along quietly.
Youre correct ,there is always a reason for people being who they are and why
Our pasts shapes our future
Some people use it as a excuse to be a piece of work though and I stay away from them.
What did you write? Its deleted @SrtDakota
I try to as well
16 days after transplanting and shes booming

Looks great man im so glad we wereable to get her all fixed up
Thx growbro,honestly it took some big balls to transplant her in her 3rd week of flower but she kept on pushing them buds out while in the process