I tried to post a couple pics and didnt notice it still said pocessing until i sent. I tried again but it just sits there saying processing for long time but other times the work instantly.
Nice job bro! I still gotta get some of those ph meters. I tried some cheap ph/moisture/light reader from lowes and it didnt do anything lmao. It didnt even require batteries just had 2 prongs so i have no idea on their logic of how it was supposed to work lol
I have to deal with that alot bro,its annoying. Ill have entire pages typed and loaded but with no progress
Well now that’s some beautiful flower. I see future goals
Tha ks for sharing such a nice pic
As for the Temps dropping its already happening lol… i don’t have a tent and use heaters and humidifiers so i have a challenge at times because the highs of this week are only in the 30s lmao . Im a florida boy not used to rhis northeastern weather
Now thats awesome nice field of dreams bro!
Thats basically how my first 3 grows went but my current grow just went south quickly
Yeah crap can happen in an instant and it sucks when you think about the loss of money and time involved
is a 5-1 ph,ppm tester
Ok! Thx ! Looks like a great deal to.me
Thats not cool bro… youve been flagged.
Beautiful looking buds
@Maurice87 thx for the appreciation of the grow
It truly is gorgeous!
Lol @Truetopath i cant like this because im out of likes! Never heard of such a thing lmao
Thx ,i wasnt sure what to do because it was just weird to see someone advertising on my post since i was of the understanding that wasnt allowed
Dont see it very often here, but when i admined FB groups, i had to keep a keen eye out for embedded advertising. Considering he had never posted before and was trying to sneak in a link… busted…
I have been thinking since and i believe that what they did could be a way of law enforcement to get personal info…