Pollinated gold leaf harvest

So, at around 75 days in, my 2 pollinated gold leaf were ready to harvest. I guess they finish early once pollinated:(. Anyway, after 9 days in my drying room, I pulled them, and did the final trim. 137 grams bud, 47 grams trimmings. Unfortunately, I estimate that 1/3rd of the bud weight is seed.

Amazingly, from the same grow area, I have 2 that did NOT get pollinated! They are at 9 weeks of flower and full of huge colas. Just waiting for a few amber trichromes b4 harvesting. Seedy bud has a nice taste after cleaning, decent high.
Hope I never have another hermorphidite. I pulled and destroyed it as soon as I saw it, but it managed to get 2 of my remaining 4. Iā€™m amazed that 2 dodged it! Has that happened to anyone else?

2 remaining


Thats cool.

Seems more likely you had a plant hermie vs pollination. If it was a polination I dont think the other plants would have made it.

Yeah once they start making seeds, the slow to a crawl on producing more rosin. Nice harvest tho, glad the others arent confused on their gender.