First of all please forgive me. I need a lot of help with this and I have a lot of questions. I’m a beginner grower but I am very passionate about it. I’m doing my first grow of 6 plants in a closet right now and I’ve fallen in love with growing but this is a big investment for me and I wanna give %100 of my effort to getting the highest quality and biggest yields I possibly can. I’m trying to pick a complete grow tent system to buy. I’m pretty positive I’m either going to get the mini mortgage lifter 3.0 or the Buddha box. I might go for the regular or mega mortgage lifter 3.0 or the big Buddha box or maybe order a certain size complete tent system from gorilla grow tents to fit my available space. I’ve got a choice of single room cabin or a spare bedroom in a house im going to rent out. I still need to do it in a tent because it still needs to be somewhat secluded but I need to take measurements so my first question is about fresh air. I live in a climate that gets down to 40 and 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit on a regular basis so I can’t really just take freezing air from outside. And if I could use an air intake with air that cold I can’t really just put the ducting through an open window or door because it would freeze the water and I can’t be cutting holes in the wall so what do you guys think I should do. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I’ve been doing research non stop for weeks and you guys at this site are so knowledgeable and I appreciate your experience and expertise. Thank you and can’t wait to hear from you
Well Randell Landis " Will " and i’ll help you the best I can.
And so will others here at ILGM.
First, you won’t need to vent any air in and as far as heat goes you’ll be fine . The cold air outside will off set the hot inside. But for thought.
I disconnected my air vents in the ceiling and vented all my high heat and smell up to the adic.
Here is a link for tents
Well Randell Landis " Will " and i’ll help you the best I can.
And so will others here at ILGM.
First, you won’t need to vent any air in and as far as heat goes you’ll be fine . The cold air outside will off set the hot inside. But for thought.
I disconnected my air vents in the ceiling and vented all my high heat and smell up to the adic.
Here is a link for tents
Hope this helps
B Safe
Randell First: This is THE place to get growing advise on growing, and anything grow related. Many will input and you get the experience of many years of growing to help you decide want to do for you.
Second: What is the average temp inside during the cold weather? You may not have a problem if you can adjust the living temp inside a few degrees cooler which shouldn’t be hard considering the outside temp.
Good Luck and Great Buds,
Hey there. I’m guessing your using soil in 5 gallon pots? What are you using for lights? Are you going to keep using soil or go hydro?
FIRST THING YOU NEED TO DO IS DOWN LOAD THE GROW BIBLE. read it a few times, it will help you to get to know a lot about growing. When you have all that figured out, start a grow Journal, keep track of what your doing.
Then ask more questions. Hope this gets you started.
garrigan62 - the air around the tent will be average room temperature the house/room it will be in will be heated I just thought it needed fresh air to be blown in and I don’t know if air just from the room outside the tent is fresh enough. It will just be normal house air. For the smell it will have a carbon filter and the exhaust from the tent would just be blowing into the room outside the tent also. And I’ll be living at whichever out of the two places I mentioned in the first comment that I keep the tent. When you say the cold air outside will offset the hot air inside are you saying it’s possible to have a tent outdoors in temperatures that cold?
TxGrowman - I think the coldest I can keep the air in the room that the tent will be in is probably 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I’ll be living there too and I don’t want to freeze myself out too much😄. But it would most likely be an average of about 65 outside the tent. As I mentioned above I just don’t know if regular house air is fresh enough or if I need air from out doors.
tlkbear - right now your correct. 5 gallon buckets in soil. But that’s another thing I need help with is choosing the system. I’m going to go to hydroponics after this grow which is when I’ll be putting in the tent and I don’t know if I should get a horizontal system like the one in the mortgage lifter 3.0. And if I do, whether I should get the bucket(huge tree) setup or the sea of green setup, or if I should get the vertical setup like the one in the Buddha box, Or if I should try the scrog or what. What system do you guys think would give me the biggest quantity yields without compromising the quality of the fished goods. Also I’m about half way through the grow bible and I just went and picked up a journal to start today.
Thank you guys for responding I know there’s a lot of people asking you guys for help so you guys taking time out of your day to help me is much appreciated. I’m saving up money for the tent now and like I said it’s a huge investment for me that I’m putting every extra bit of money I have into which isn’t much so your help is very valuable to me. Maybe I should go for a cheaper setup that I can afford now before I upgrade to a mega mortgage lifter 3.0 or big Buddha box. I’ll be sure and check out the think that garrigan62 gave me. Thanks guys
No , not a tent outside. What I was saying is that the cool air outside will help keep the heat Down in your grow room.
Hydrophobic setups will yield more from what I understand. I’m o starting up a hydrophobic system this weekend coming.
Randall, everyone here is cool as hell and will help you any time, no problem.
B Safe
What’s a hydrophobic setup?
A couple other things that my help. Has some awesome sales at times. They carry everything there, Carbon filters, fans, grow tents etc) is where I bought my LED and despite my hesitation on buying so cheap, it is a very good light.
It was probably auto correct, he certainly meant hydroponic, lol.
Randall, follow this link it show everything you need to start up a hydroponic setup. It’s basically growing with water no soil. The roots get mlisted from underneath. From what I hear is you get bigger yield s without missing quality. And I don’t hear that much in the way of problems either.
Now I’m buying the 40 liter one. It grows four plants. I figured that would be good for starters
B Safe will
You do mean hydroponic, not hydrophobic, right @garrigan62?
Oh WOW…I did say that…lol I thought it was some one else .I was laughing at myself…lol
Doing an edit.
Will and thank MacG
Haha I thought I was some new thing that I had never heard of. Right on guys thanks for the info. I’ll look into all your suggestions. Hey by the way does anyone know how to post pictures from an iPhone to this sites forum. I’m trying to get some help with some fungus gnat stuff and I’m trying to post pics but I don’t know how to use a html or a bbcode. Actually I’ll just create a new topic in beginner for that question thanks again guys
There should be an upload button so up after you click reply or start a new post. Here’s some great stuff for them gnats. Most times they start from over watering, Amazon: Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Codex. Pest Control. This problem is covered a lot. I’m sure you can find a lot of post about it.
I’ve got a 10/5 grow tent how much led lighting will be great for plants