Please help, we’re close but not sure

@Nicky Its not mine. Its from ILGM member that posted it. All it does is dry it out so you can taste test it. Believe it or not, it does work. :+1:

This is why I use a small popcorn bud at the bottom. I never once said to use a microwave to dry and cure the whole plant this way.


Thanks Nicky. I tried looking up what fox tailing is. I couldn’t find much and I don’t really know what that means or what caused it to happen? Does it affect the bud quality. I dried a small amount a week ago in the oven and it had limited affect.


Holy foxtail Batman…calyx on top of calyx. My last NL had some foxtailing as well. I did a lot of reading and supposedly (from my take on it) there’s no I’ll affect from foxtailing that has been 100% proven… regardless it’s reacting to something, humidity at the end of flowering, light, etc.
Oh and I just pop a bud in the oven for a little bit to try a bud out.

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I’d recommend checking temp and light height, also maybe set them on a 12/12 cycle and force maturity, you kinda wanna stop the foxtailing

You didn’t look hard enough =p

you have nute burn it should be good enough though you should trim all the browness in the leaves and buds for better taste

Here is a foxtail rundown

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Smoke dat chit already!