My daughter’s indica domanate plant is a few weeks from being finished and we are in for freezing temps overnight for the next week. Please tell me how girls do in snow (this morning) not much though and colder??? It is supposed to be warmer next week.
Hi there ! Are your plants in pots or on the ground? Are your day temps still forgiving?
In the ground and it’s 46* F today. One saving grace there are trees above keeping snow from plant hopefully it will help with frost.
If they are in pots bring them in at night put them somewhere dark. Mimicking the night . If day temps are kind put them out in the morning. Do this until your night temps rise again. If the girls are in the ground fashion a wire cage around the plants taller than they stand and put a sheet or two over them . If it could get ugly and windy outside just fashion little belt over the sheets around cages so that they don’t blow off in the middle of the night and expose the girls. Make sure you get up in the morning and let the sunshine on their pretty little pistols again! If you don’t understand what I told you let me know and I’ll flip you a pic of how I cover mine I live high in the Rockies at 9000 feet and the weather is insane! Bud-Blessings to you!
Awesome understand keep frost off with cover. Yeah we had crazy wind yesterday which stopped our efforts. She’s still pushing white pistols!! Very few amber tricomes, but will cove and 70*F and above freezing next week. Thanks for help
You got good advice. I will add that the plants will likely shut down in cold temps this close (I’m assuming) to harvest. It might not benefit you to leave them. Yields will suffer but at least there is a yield…freezing temps kill the plant. Supplemental heat like a bucket of hot water under their cover for example, might carry you over if you have the time to do it.
Yes unseasonably cold, will warm back Wednesday. Will do warming trick too thanks have several 5 gal buckets. So just a few nights, will see how things go. Hopefully it’s not a hard freeze, and cover from frost. My daughter wants to pull for her and see… crazy most everyone here harvested last week. But this girl is still building. I’m sure this cold snap will bring change quick though. One day at a time and see. Happy growing I’ll tell you how it turns out thanks
Good luck!
My daughter covered and got her girl through the cold streak. Warming for another week. Tricomes are turning orange. Thanks for advice
Thanks for letting me know how to get through this cold streak, all good for now, waiting on tricomes warmer for weather ahead