Plant Drooping at Night

Pics take at 3pm all is well by 10pm it is drooping. Is on lite Tiger Bloom nutes. None at all for 3-4 days. They are being watered correctly. Im using 2 Vivosun VS1000, 100 watt LEDs (at 12"). I added the mylar and also introduced a 4 bulb, 2’ T5 with bloom bulbs, trying to max my light. This issue started after adding the mylar and T5. I’m kind of thinking I got too much light and 1 1/2 hours before bedtime she has had enough. Morning she is fine. She is a giant Northern Lights auto 42 days from planting. What do y’all think?


Are they like that every day?
Do you feed/water at the same time every time?
Morning or evening?
Plants will naturally droop just before going to sleep, just not sure that much.

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For sure, but off the top of my head that looks like lack water or to much water.


No I don’t water the same time everyday. Time varies.
Naturally droop: Her cycle got messed up when plugging in the T5. She is on 18/6. That night she went to bed a couple of hours early, and got a couple of hours longer day yesterday. She was probably at around 19 hours when the droop pic was taken. I let her go for another hour to her normal lights out and back on schedule.


Are you in soil and what is your watering schedule or how are you determining when to water.


She’s in Happy Frog, 7 gallon cloth pot. I use a water meter (too cramped to pic up routinely).


Are they drooping that bad every night, and fully standing at attention soon after lights are on.

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Yes, but it’s only been two nights.


I’m going to tag @dbrn32 he may be able to determine if this is a light issue. I’m not experienced enough to be sure, but that much droop looks like to me,that this is watering issue. I’ll also tag two more that may be able to diagnose problem. @Myfriendis410 @Covertgrower


Thanks, I appreciate it. I’m kind of thinking you may be right about the water. I don’t normally check her after watering, so maybe I’m just not getting her a good enough drink. I just metered her and am going to give her a good drenching. I have two fans in the room and along with the cloth pot breathing… I’ll be out of town for a day, will have my wife take a look this evening.


BTW, Welcome to ILGM forum :+1:Hopefully you stick around for a while and let us enjoy all the learning and success you will have in the future.


Never really hurts to water to runoff, as long as you allow soil to dry out a little before watering again.


I think you may be on to something. The way the “droop” is mainly at the top of the plant has me thinking too much light/ too close and perks up during dark cycle also sounds like too much light.


:+1:Thanks for the help, you are probably right. After you mentioned the fact that it is mostly the the upper leaves I realized that the lower leaves looked OK :ok_hand:


She’s not suppose to grown that big. I have only 7 more inches if I take her off the stand, after that I’ll need to redesign the closet. lol I think there are worse problems. Ill give her 3 more right now and fool with the stand tomorrow. Thanks guys.


Looks like you allowed the plant to grow “naturally” as far as shape. If the branches have a little “give” still, LST would help with vertical height availability. You will need a lot more than 7" for the buds to stretch.
GENTLY pull that cola over and spread out the taller side branches to an even canopy height. Fill the light’s “footprint” to maximize efficiency. Make the plant as wide as it is/will be tall.


Water meters are trash. How much water are you giving them. In a 7 gal with a plant that size you should water until run off then it should be good for a few days. If you water only a little bit and are not fully saturating the soil then it will be thirsty. On the other hand if you water it too much and not letting the soil dry out you are drowning the root hairs and not letting them get enough oxygen.that much drooping cause for worry. You don’t have a scrog so I suggest picking the pot up. Fill up pot with dry soil pick up the dry soil then pick up that pot. Helpful tip from hellraiser. I’ve always picked up my pots anyways but testing them from a dry soil pot untill you get a feel for weight is all his idea and its a good way to learn that way you know if you are over watering or under watering.


I would make sure you’re watering at or around the lights come on, as needed. Like others pointed out, don’t be afraid to give pot a good soaking. Then wait until pot dries out before watering again. Plants will naturally droop some right after watering and when they need water.


This might be stress from the lights however it looks like watering issues. The fabric pot shouldn’t allow for over watering normally. Like @dbrn32 said, don’t be afraid to soak the pot. If I can lift my potted plants I will allow them to soak up water from a bucket once a week. I do this with all my plants until I place them in the ground or into flowering. Once they are in flowering I just water them every other day or so with about a cup and a half per gallon of soil. Make sure to water slow enough to allow the soil to soak up the water and not just drain out the side of the bags. When I see run off from the bottom of the bag, I stop.

Good luck and happy growing…