Plan second grow

So seems like six months ago I planted 4 bag seeds I had found for fun. I was not really serious about it. Got a full spectrum light for Homedepot. Soil and perlite 50/50 I think some tomato nutrients and went for it in a basement closet. I had no foil but I had had a good fan the hole time. To make a really really really long grow short is I ended up with two plants making it

me not killing them! One was garbage but I let it play out with the other one. So I I have updated dated most everything along the way. Mylar, htg small light,ph kit, water filter from htg. So we are getting ready to have a remodel in the basement. In the mean time I was hoping to gear up for a more serious grow. I have white widow ilgm autos and 4 bag seeds marked nye? I am looking at a 2.5 by 6 closet or maybe a cheap tent. Or both ! But money is a issue right now. Tomorrow Diesel dog :dog: is getting a acl surgery $4000.00 :sob:. Anyway I am looking for maybe 4 plants lst thinking soil with air bubbles or maybe autopots with super soil. But looking for advice. Not opposed to hydroponics I’m just looking for a really good taste in not to mess with too much nutrients.



Diesel Dog


Congratulations and welcome the the charming addiction!!! Post your journal here! Set to watching.


Let me tag a few people here since you are looking for advice on the next grow
@emgoldslo @Covertgrower @Weedlover1 @EYE69MYSELF @Nothingshocking @Nicky @

Lots of very knowledgeable people here to help!


Thanks for the tag,
I will tag a couple others as well.


Looks like you are doing fine,it’s a learning curve for sure,but I am tagging @dbrn32 and @KeystoneCops for some advice on lights and setup You might want to try organic soil,it’s easy and cheap you just add nutes and fertilizer, use Cal-mag,check ph…etc These two guys will cover anything you need to know.Also @MrPeat and @kellydans are others and I’m leaving out a bunch.Good luck.I’ll chime in if I can help.


I’m still a newbie to the indoor growing myself. Most my grows are outdoor/summer.

Just getting serious about indoor and the best piece of advice I have is buy the best light you can afford first! I wasted too much $$ on lights and finally settled on an HLG 600 rspec for a 5x5.

Trying to sell used grow lights around me is futile


Yep, spend most of your money on a quality light . Once you narrow it down to the space you’re going to be using or size tent. lot of people will help you choose a quality light that will fit your budget. I would go with a cheap tent. Buy quality carbon filter if you’re concerned about odor and you can get by with an inexpensive exhaust fan. Just my thoughts good luck.


I can help with light if you are sure on the size. For a 2.5x6 I would probably go with two lights designed for a 3x3.


Lights to me is the most important purchase and it will either make or break a grow.


It helps to set a budget.


He looks like a sweetheart


I’m pretty new to this too, and getting my feet under me.

Lights are the most important thing you will spend real money on. I was on a budget too because I lost my job to covid impacts, so I went with what I though were the best bang for the buck. I’m using Kingbrites with 301h samsung diodes, several of the 240 watt panels.

For soil, I’m using 6 parts composted manure, 1 part peat, 2 parts perlite, 1 part vermiculite.

For nutrients, I’m using chemgro’s 420 mix, I’ve read good things about Jacks 1-2-3 also, both are powdered chemical nutrients, and significantly cheaper than bottles of liquid.

I’m sure there are better products out there, but I’m happy with my end results, and my buddies say it’s as good as the stuff they pay $65 an eighth for at the dispensary, and I’m working again and not seeing any reason to upgrade the budget options I went with.


Thanks for all the reply’s, I picked up a 8 by 4 silverback tent two 8 inch blowers two clip fans and a carbon filter today off Craig’s list for $460 now need to find best bang for buck lights.

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So I now have a 4by 8 tent but still only plan to grow 4 autos max . So what ever light you think that will need. I am a Big Bang for buck guy.

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Ask @dbrn32 about HLG LED’s. They make some pretty bad ass lights for us indoor guys.
I consulted the Dr of LED’s himself @dbrn32 and I’m over the moon with my new grow light
and the plants LOVE LOVE LOVE it.


Sounds good have to check back later to you guys. The Diesel Dog has a new steel knee and hurting.

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I don’t think it was the best decision to spend $400 on a used filter, a tent that’s larger than you need, and some fans. A tent is like $100 for a 4’x4’, and carbon filters are consumable which are typically <$80 new. And it can be really expensive to light a full 4’x4’.

This is why I typically start with a budget. Hopefully you can find a lighting solution within your reach. For LED, expect to pay at least $1200 (2 HLG 550 eco fixtures after a 10% discount). You can buy HPS lamps for a lot less. 2 600w HPS fixtures should be about $350 combined, but cost to operate them will be much higher if the heat is ever an issue.


So looking like I will need to save up for lights. I will have some time while they renovate the bathroom. So I really want to go with led because my power bill is already over 300 a month now, lower heat . But I probably could get away with hps/mh the basement stays 65ish or cooler most of the year.

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How often do you need to replace hps/mh bulbs?
Every grow every other grow?

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