Perlite questions

So I have been growing all this time in Fox farm soil but no added perlite by myself. I was in Walmart today and was going to pick up a small bag to mix with my next batch but I am trying to find out the difference between this miracle-grow brand and disorganic brand. Just trying to find out the difference here, also I’m wondering about how many uses what I get out of one of those small bags? That’s only enough to mix with one or two pots right?


I would strongly suggest to never buy anything Miracle Gro. If you look on the MG bag, it has added nutes. Perlite should be nutrient free, additive free and fragrance free. The other looks as if it is the better choice.


@Bonjoyle yes I am aware of miracle grows nutrients but I didn’t know they put it in the perlite. Okay so I have another question, I read something about having to rinse the perlite before using it, what I have to do so if I was to use this kind in the picture? Or can I just mix it with my ffof and be good to go?


I dont rinse the Vigoro perlite, (what I use), since there is nothing in it. Some say to lightly wet it so you dont have the perlite dust all over.

I dont use MG because of who owns it.


The organic will work just fine. Just mix it in the soil at about 20%. Can do less if soil is loose.

MG puts some nutes in their perlite, I found out when I ran short and grabbed a couple of 8 qt bags. My runoff went haywire and when I checked it, had nutes in it. Home Depot has 4 cu ft bags as cheap as I’ve found it here.


Available in two forms (at my grow store) Small granular or larger.
Smaller had less dust, maybe.


Scrolling to post this :rofl:.

@Jayjay504 there is no exact way to mix perlite. For most in soil about 20% perlite is pretty reasonable. More perlite will make your mix more airy and dry out faster. Less perlite won’t dry out as fast and be more susceptible to compaction issues. All depends on what the individual is trying to do.


Well now im curious. Whats up? :thinking:


Masanto owns MG, and most of anything GM (genticly modified or biohacked )


I thought it was Scott’s (maybe the same?) They feed poison to birds.


Hard to find or use to be to find anything plant wise that was not modified through biohacking, getting easier now with all the heirloom seeds/companies out there now.


Who knows any more how many companies are tied together now by the way they rebrand and split to other names.


I get mine from a local green house for 25 dollars a 4 cu. Ft. Bag.
I mix it minimum 25% perlite to 75% promix bx. I use to do the same when using happy frog.
So 3 cans of soil to 1 can of perlite.


Monsanto bought Scotts so I also now do not use anything yard related with Scotts on it. I am from a family of farmers and many of my family on the western slope farm to this day. Monsanto is just a monster. What they do as a business and how they modify there seeds is BS.


Yup, I do my best to keep track of who when spending my money.


Walmart you get what you pay for miracle gro I have always had bad experiences with them I couldn’t grow a pussy in that soil if it came in a seed :joy: