Miraclegrow Perlite?

So I went to lowes this morning needing perlite. Their website said they had miraclegrow perlite and some organic. I was gonna get the organic, but the website lied and they were all out. So I drove over to home depot but they only had the miraclegrow perlite… it has some added fertilizer in it… is this the slow release nitrogen that’s bad in the miracle grow? Or is it okay to go ahead and use? If it is the slow release, could I rinse some of it out or something? Does anyone e use this perlite or do they get the organic brands?

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If that helps…

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Well its not very high in those nutrients, i don’t know if rinsing will help, but i would still steer away from anything with slow release nutrients, that being said there are a couple of people on here that have had successful grows in mg products, but im sure it took lots of luck and a lot of veg time to use up all the nutrients in it. I would wait to use it until someone else weighs in, but I would personally just look on Amazon or something for different non amendmened perlite.


That’s sorta what I was thinking. I might return it. But it is just the perlite. I’m sure their soil has a lot more nutes added. Not just in the perlite. But I’d imagine the perlite is what makes the nutes release slow…

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But I’m doing autos… so I cant really veg longer. And I’m gonna be using ffof.

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with an auto you really want to give it as close to a perfect environment to get maximum yeilds from it, i would return it and get a different kind or just use a tiny amount of it, but i lean towards the first option more, just my opinion.

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Yea, I think I’m gonna use a little bit mixed with some soil for the seedling and put that in my ffof. And when the tail grows flop it into the soil/perlite and as it grows it’ll hit the frog and be good. I read another thread and it seems as though it had everyone saying dont use it, but they had been and hadn’t noticed. I think I might just have to watch the ppms a little more later. But it’s mainly just gonna be i think for seedlings so the ffof doesn’t burn them up. And then the next time I get it I’m gonna just get an all organic offline. Lol. I mean, it was just 5$ at home depot. I feel like returning it would cost me more time and effort then just using it and knowing not to get it again. I did just get 20 skittles. So i think I’ll need more anyways soon. Lol.

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I wouldn’t use it.
Instead of perlite one can also use vermiculite or pumice. Depending on availability.


I did see some vermiculite, but I wasn’t sure if it would help with drainage issues? That’s been some of my issue because I haven’t had a good medium. I’ve been using soil from my back yard trying to aerate myself. But that hasn’t worked. I had an 8 qt bag and I mixed it with some solid I’ve sorta made over the past couple months. But I have ffof coming in Thursday. And I’m getting my DE and smart pots in today to help with all the issues I’ve encountered so far just messing with a couple ak seeds. But since the ocean forest is coming in im just gonna use the soil perlite mix for like a 3 inch by 3 inch, maybe 4 inch hole to put the germinated seed into. But im just gonna use the ffof really. I dont think the little bit is gonna matter. I’m just gonna order better perlite next time. And I might get some vermiculite to mix in. I’ve read a lot of people like to mix a little of both into their soil.

You can buy perlite on amazon for 10 bucks delivered in days. No need to settle on anything that isn’t “best practices.”

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@Audiofreak yea, I agree. But it was 5$ and I dont feel like taking it back. So again, I’ll be using best practices in the future, but this one time I’m gonna go ahead and use that bag. I’ll just make sure to keep reusing it so it depletes the nutes outta it. And it’s only gonna be for seeds most likely. Or I might use it to grow some other plant and then after use it for my ladies.

You can use it anywhere you want. Just not your canibus! It offers more chance of trouble than help.

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It’s not gonna cause any problems. Its added fertilizer is low, and I’ve seen where a ton of people had no problems until they found out. Then the only problem was that they knew. Lol. It’s just the perlite. And again, I’m using FFOF for my medium. I’m just using some in the ffof on the top for the seedling. Then it’ll use the nutes in the ffof. And from now on I’ll be ordering all organic off Amazon or something. I dont even have a CO2 system, humidifiers, a real grow box, great lights. I’m a broke guy doing ghetto grows working with what I got. I’ll make it work and it’ll be okay. And if I plant other plants into the soil I do have it mixed with, it’ll just drain nutes out and then be better to use for my ladies later. If I decide to do that.

I would have dug soil out of a ditch before using anything by MG. Kill the bugs and then rock and roll. Or soil out of the yard.


It is soil from the yard. Buy I put a couple banana peels in it months ago and they’re gone now. It’s all black. I added mg perlite. That’s it. I just saw a badass grow on here and they us MG soil… so I think the perlite will be okay. It’s only gonna be used a little anyways mixed with some ffof. So it’ll be okay. Not the best, but it’ll still work. And from now in I’ll get organic perlite.

just bought some yesterday the guy at home depot told me that between the perlite and organic miracle grow soil and the bonemeal i had should work perfectly fine considering im growing gmo auto and purple hulk auto the need for nitrogen will be high

how did this grow work for u

The pot that had that perlite in it worked fine.