Over due autoflower

Cotinuing the discussion from Welcome to the ILGM Grow Support Forum:

Im a fairly

These are three cc4 autoflower plants that as of that date in the pics Dec 5th they are 180 days old with no sings of flowering can anyone tell my why this might be happening they are in a grow room 4×6 that is keep at around 75 while the light is on (12 ×12 cycle) and drops to around 65 in the dark 50 to 65 % humidity

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I had a green crack autoflower go 11.5 weeks before a single pistol popped out. (Roughly 80 Days)

It finally started flowering in week 12 of veg. Also rather than 8 to 10 weeks in flower it went 17 weeks before it was actually done.

I was told it was 1 in 10,000 auto seeds that will do this. And you have 3 (good Lord)

Those plants are incredibly small for 180 days, even for an autoflower


What kind of lights you running?


Agree with what light. No matter what it is it is not close enough IMO because I can’t see it in the picture. There is a lot of room between the top of picture and the canopy.

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I raised the light to take the picture it’s usually about 18 above them

The main question was. What light do you have?

This is my setup it’s 65 degrees and 60% humidity

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There viper p2000 and p1000 18" high

Your answer is here.

Light is a little low for that many plants. Not so low to cause them not to flower. Especially if on a 12/12 light schedule.
How long on the 12/12 schedule.

About 3 months now

If I’m real honest I would say start over.
Maybe change schedule to 8 on 16 off make sure room is completely dark at lights off. If nothing happens in a couple weeks definitely start over. JMO

Looks Like “Stunted Growth” To Me
More Than Anything Now…

Lights Be Damned.

I Totally Agree With DRsDank, Because It’s Long Gone Part 2

75-80 temp promotes stronger growth. Cooler temps at the end will promote color change. A good spot for me is right in that window up to 85. I would get the temp up and see what happens. 3 months 12/12 tells me they are not maturing. Male or female. Just a possible reason.


Thanks for the advice I’ll give that a try

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Yeah I’ll do some adjustments not ready to give up yet thanks for the advice

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  Update on the autos that won't flower they are getting a red tint like it would if it were getting close to harvest but still no buds , the other plants are autos I planted about 8 weeks ago under the same conditions
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Flowers! Good.