Got a clown from one of my buddies on here and it wasn’t supposed to be an auto flower I’ve only had it for about two or three weeks and it started flowering if anybody on here could tell me why that would be great I have all three in coconut husk/regular dirt but only one of them have flowered
Does it get good sunlight for over 14 hrs? It may be getting less outdoors than it was getting before.
That’s what stumps me I just literally put it outside and let it do it’s thing nature takes care of everything if I notice that it’s a little droopy I’ll add some pH’ed water to it but other than that nothing it blows my mind
If it really is a photo and it gets enough light hours, then it may re-veg and keep growing.
Look at the sunlight schedule for where you live. Could be it’s still to early to get adequate amount of daily sun.
Likely it will reveg as the days get longer, and then flower again in the fall.
I Definitely get more than 12 hours just checked
It’s definitely a photo, its one of three I gave him from this re-veg, from what i gather the other 2 aren’t flowering. I have 9 other clones and the mother still in veg
Very odd its just 1
I hope lol not I’m not gonna mess with it I’m still gonna let it do it’s thing
Odd indeed… The other two aren’t even as big I have two in a pot and one in the ground and neither the other one in the pot nor the one in the ground are flowering