Outdoor leaf issue

First time grower in central illinois. This white widow feminized girl is about a month old and is a
in pot outside waiting to go in the ground. Growing in FF Coco Loco. Just noticed the leaves have some yellow to them. She gets about three solid hours of direct light and rest of the time she’s in the shade. For what it’s worth I have some train wreck auto in 7 gallon pots doing the same thing. They are all super leggy as well. Thanks for the help


Welcome to ILGM!

That looks like bug damage. The spots are the yellowing you talk about?

Leggy stretchd plants are a sign of low intensity lighting. Maybe raise the plants/lower the lights a bit to adjust?

Scratch that. They are outside. Begin to up that 3 hour direct light window. The shade maybe the stretch artist. Can I see entire plant pics?

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There’s all 3 of them . Started Inside for about a week then moved out for like an hour direct for a week. I have to move them around to get more sun. So there getting a solid 3 maybe 4 hours direct a day. Any recommendations on bug juice to use?

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Not without knowing which bug it is and Im not the best at identifying pest damage sorry…

@Hellraiser @Myfriendis410 @imSICKkid any idea?


Ok thanks Purp.


White specs to me would indicate spider mites but I’ve never done outdoors or had many insect issues


I had a couple plants outside recently that had a few leaves that looked like that and it was indeed spider mites. Have you looked on the underside of the leaves? They’ll be hard to see…a jewelers loupe will help.


After further review it does look like something’s been chewing on them. I couldn’t see any activity on them. Any recommendations on what to put on them cause I’m assuming it’s not going to get better on its own.thx


Yeah it’s bug damage, since plants are in veg (no buds yet), I’d spray the hell out of them with a neem oil mix after sunset, get under the leaves as well, repeat weekly in veg. In outdoors you really need a pest prevention program going or you will get pests.


You would be correct…little bastids won’t go away on their own. I used Captain Jacks Deadbug and Azamax in rotation and it knocked them out. Also you can add the caterpillar spray…forget the name of it. Safe to use during flower.

And neem oil before flower works too.

edited to add: The caterpillar spray is “Safer Caterpillar Killer”.


Gonna get some neem oil . I’ll report back results. Thanks to all!


Make sure to get the undersides of the leaves.

Good luck!

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I had the same leaf spotting, and it was from caterpillars, got really good at spotting their poop trails and finding them burrowing into buds, nasty creatures! I know you’re trying to keep your plants shady but more bugs might fall from the trees overhead, your overhead screen should help keep them out along with daily checks and Jack’s spray. Good luck!


Spray BT weekly up to and a few weeks into flower, helps a ton.



Make sure u get the neem oil with the emulsifier, other wise ur neem won’t mix with the water. U know water n oil won’t mix without an emulsifier. Good Luck I hope whatever route u choose works. :scream::scream::man_facepalming::alien:

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It’s my understanding that a few drops of dish soap in the Neem/water mix will act as an emulsifier

I had an earwig problem recently.

I moved a couple of marigold plants in closer and I sprayed pesticide around the base of the pots.
So far so good. I have used neem/dish soap with water on vegetables and it works well. I will only put pesticide on plants as last resort.

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