Hello everybody, just want to start out saying that I’m not a first time grower, the beginner grow journal tag was the only one. I want to start a grow journal as I’ve seen others doing the same thing. Anyway, I live in Northern New England and I’ve got a few sites I’m growing at this year. One of them will have 20 plants with 5 strains, this site will be the main focus of this grow journal. I’m really excited for this site as it’s the most plants I’ve ever had in a single site and the plants I’ve already put out are really strong and healthy. It’s always risky though, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. There’s 18 holes in total at this site and I have 12 Skywalker Kush plants that are 6 weeks and 3 days old that I put out 3 nights ago all in their own holes(12 of the holes). For the other 6 holes I’m currently germinating 2 Whoopie Pie, 2 Gelato, 4 Deadhead and 4 Northern lights and I’m going to put 2 plants in each of the 6 holes in a couple weeks whenever they are ready because the weather is warm enough here now. I started the germination process for those 12 seeds last night and as of this morning all but 2 Deadhead and 2 Northern lights seeds have popped, the others will too I’m sure. The Skywalker Kush plants had a 100% germination rate and grew extremely well and very vigorous during the 6 weeks indoors, they were all about 10-12 inches tall and very bushy, they had almost sharpie thick stalks and some plants had 11 leaflets on the leaves already which I thought was pretty impressive. It has only been 3 days since I put them in he ground but I wanted to see how they were taking the transplant shock and two of them were kind of wilting but the rest all looked great as you’ll see in the pictures below. After today I’ll only be going to this site once a week usually if not less but I will post updates and pictures every time I go and I’ll keep up to date with the other sites which don’t have plants yet as well. I’m going to attach some pictures of the plants the night I put them out and then a few pictures of them this morning. If anyone has anyone questions about how I do anything for growing, feel free to ask!
Also, I posted a post the other night before I put the 12 Skywalker Kush in the ground and this post was kind of similar as I talked about a couple of the same things so I apologize to anyone who read the other and re-read some of it in this post. Hope you guys tag along for the journey until this fall!
Here’s the pictures of the plants before they went outside from 5/19/20:
P.s. there will be 24 plants at this site if the other 4 seeds that are germinating pop. The 20 wasn’t including them. Also it could be less because just because they pop doesn’t mean they’ll sprout and grow or survive outside.
Thanks and nice! I’ve been doing it for about 7 years with my dad, he’s who taught me and a couple years on my own but I’m pretty excited about this year!
@Prejs420 it produced very well. We have CRAZY humidity here, and it’s still very hot when the days get short. Pests were a problem from time to time. We would put out WAY more plants than needed because the deer would eat a good bit. Especially around October when they were heavy with burden and the deer were fattening up for winter.The worst kind of pests were the thieving kind though! If it weren’t for the military helicopters, we would not have to be indoors today.
We have the same problem here with the deer especially but other animals too. I have a few different tricks to deter them and usually they don’t mess with my plants but I’ve had them get hit hard before. And weed is legal here recreationally but I can’t grow indoor on the scale I’m growing at and that’s why I’m guerilla growing at 3 sites outside this year. 24 will be the most I’ve had in one spot and I’ve had a few sites be found and the plants been taken so I’m praying that this site will go without being compromised
Update on the germinating seeds: All but one Northern Lights and one Gelato have popped. Tomorrow morning I’m going to transplant the seedlings from paper towel to dirt in a humidity dome and I’ll post pictures after they sprout.
cool! Yeah this area I live in is pretty famous for guerilla growing. We live on a huge lake that goes East to West unlike all the other lakes in BC. The mountains are full of streams and creeks and black waterlines! Every summer the RCMP and airforce would fly helicopters all over the hills looking for patches if weed. When they found a crop that was easy to bust the quad squads would roll out and hack all the weed down. They would stuff water bombing bags and haul the weed to a mill and burn the weed in beehive burners. The cops would leave a buisness card nailed to a tree… if you have any questions or concerns please contact constable so and so, we would be happy to assist you !
Yeah I knew a lot of growers lived there, one of the seed banks I used to use was located in BC. The name of it was BC Bud Depot and I grew some amazing Godbud seeds from them