Outdoor Growing coals for 2024 (Born in 🇿🇦 - first time ever trying to grow cannibis )

Hi there cannafam… March will be my starting month to achieve my outdoor goals… New to the game and the forum…(thanks for all the help so far)
Would love your opinion/advice/chat on what i do… still learning…
18h00 sunset to end the day

My greenhouse from another ankle

Place where i want to breed with boerbok goats - still have to raise the fence a bit

Indoor drying space, want to turn it into a indoor growing room but the power supply in South-Africa is :poop::poop: (want to grow :mushroom::mushroom: to)

Getting the brood chamber ready

Place for the chickens, need to make the fence stronger because the dogs are :rooster: killers

Want to try a winter grow… With our sunset being at 18h00, i am scared that my plants will start flowing to early because of the fall season starting March… I dont know what seeds i have, this is where the autoflower and feminized seeds come in… I think all of my seeds are autoflower, judging from my present plants… Any suggestions concerning my winter outdoor plants going into flowering to early… artificial light maybe…? Regarding the power supply being so :poop::poop:

Anyway… Peace-out everybody
Love to hear your thoughts and comments… for those who are interested…


Gorgeous land ya got :metal:t2::green_heart::cowboy_hat_face:


How much sunlight were your plants receiving outdoors the day they were set out?


My present plants in the greenhouse came up by themselves last year October - September 2023 - some of them are close to harvest, some of them are still flowering… I have no artificial lights at the green house and i started switching the outside lights around the house of so that the ones closest to the house can finish their flowering stage (saw that they were in distress due to the uneven light cycle)
After i have harvested the plants that are left in the green house i am going to prepare the soil for October - September (our start for spring season)

My question is i want to experiment with mybe 4-6 plants growing through the upcoming winter season. Will start with the germinating stage in see-through cups inside the house. My question is when it comes to going outside…? Won’t use the greenhouse, i was thinking of using large flower pots on my back porch where i can use a strong industrial light on the wall at night for a few hours ( have to sort the power issue out first… solar power is an option BUT SO EXPENSIVE…)
What do u think i should do… artificial lights outside on the porch for a few hours to allow them to go through the growing stages properly…?
We are still going to :rofl::rofl: alot… i am brand new with this… basic knowledge i am using at present…

I hope this answers your question…
My first language is afrikaans… english being my second language…:rofl:

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Thanks… its my family in laws property… 2 plots next to each other - 50 hectares in total with 4 families staying on the land. Each one with there own house and piece of land.
Taking it day by day because the government is pussing for expropriation of land without compensation law to be passed… One of the reasons why i want to start with the “farming” because of that bill… Dont mind new neighbors, as long as they have the same morals as we all have concerning our children and basic respect towards each other… In :south_africa: we have “community justice” where the community will stone the rapist or killer. In a way a good thing in a way a bad thing…
Our police are…ja…
Anyway go well


If they truly are autoflower your good to go using outside sun as they don’t care about duration of light.

Did you buy the seeds and were they supposed to be autos?


:rofl::rofl: like i said, my new cannafamily are going to :rofl::rofl: and support me still alot…
Okey… the seeds… :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth:
I have never bought seeds in my life… long term plan is to buy some seeds, BUT by that time i want to be ready with a little bit more experience. If everything goes well i want to by seeds from ILGM… but like i said with our

being so :poop::poop: against the dollar i need to do my homework first… that’s my first step - doing my homework
I got the seeds from years off smoking. One or two off my present plants have hermied, have seeds from them…
My present plants are mostly sativas, your lips are black after smoking a joint… they will be perfect for concentrate/hash and oil… also new to me making this from the plant


For future plans…!
Can i buy seeds from ILGM even staying in South-Africa… our post-office’s are closing one by one on a daily basis right through :south_africa: … (all those job losses…) We use a company called “Courier Guy delivery” they have there own drop boxes at shopping malls that you can receive and send parcels in boxes that u need a password to open.
Can i buy seeds from ILGM staying in :south_africa:, and how will i receive the posted product…?
Really thinking of buying some seeds in the future…
The seeds being sold in South-Africa i see online are mostly imported from the :us_outlying_islands:
But wow what a challenge if i could do it…
Never say never…


I’m not sure about where they will ship
Put in an order short of paying and you’ll know if they ship there but as far as internal issues with delivery ya never know.

If you’re currently at 18 daylight and it’s starting to get shorter you should be good to go as they won’t go into flower until closer to 14 daylight.

If your seeds are regular it’s normally 50/50 male to female
Soak double of how many you want to grow in a shot glass or 10 with tap and some hydrogen peroxide for 18-24 hours and put the sprouted and un sprouted seeds into a light soil and get them going.

Around 4-6 weeks or so you’ll be able to “sex” them to know which is female.

Put those in larger pots or the ground and have a go!
Plenty of time for them to go until they transition to flower.
Many natural and local things you can use to help feed them during the grow that you might produce daily.
Most things that you could use on the cheap would be used coffee grounds, powdered egg shells, healthy urine, healthy compost from worm bins or cows or chickens etc. the prior two need to be composted so they are plant ready. Urine 10:1
Eggs with vinegar will make it more available to the plants quicker as calcium.
Look up home made recipes for phosphorus and potassium etc.

Hope this helps some
Enjoy the day


Nice post @Skydiver


@Bosvarkie which province are you in boet?


I agree with @plumbdand, Thanks for your time and interest in helping me - appreciate it alot… Thanks for your explanation, going to use ure advice… learning everyday, then combine the knowledge at the end…
Will keep you updated…
Thanks my friend


Old Transvaal new Gauteng province - Pretoria
Where do you stay…?


Durban. You can buy good quality Feminized or Auto Flowering seeds from local suppliers in GP. Can choose from locally produced seeds and also have many options of imported seeds. Unfortunately ILGM don’t ship to SA. ( yet ) lol
If you don’t have enough back up power to keep your grow lights on during load shedding , then I would suggest going with Auto flower seeds for indoor. The feminized seeds will be fine in the sun to flower but would need to veg under a light indoors to get the 18/6 light cycle and to your required size before moving outside.


She came up Last year 2023 when Spring started… busy curing her, a few seeds but sticky as he’ll - nice strong sweet smell…!

Look at the scissor hash from the sweet leaves… this plant will be great for concentrate.

Will use these containers for worms and compost - thanks @Skydiver

Will keep the cannafamily updated


Howit my brother…:beers: nice meeting you…
Love Durban… normally we go to banana beach for our sea holidays… but since covid came 3 years back, i did not have the cash or time to go banana beaching again… A sea trip is on the menu later for the family, but for now i am stuck here…
Struggling to get Durban poison ( talking about the real stuff, how is the local lion match box that you buy at the station or taxi rank…?
Is it home grown Durban poison - still jummy… or swazi…?
Lekker man, miskien drink ons nog ñ lekker koue :beers: saam in die toekoms my vriend…wie weet…
Thanks for your advice
Still in grade rrr when it comes to indoor growing, but it makes sense in what your saying obout the light cycle…
Busy preparing for October though…
Talk to you soon my friend


Glad I could offer some ideas to you @Bosvarkie
If the weather permits you could start them outside and not worry about electricity issues. If inside they don’t require much light at first just keep the light bulb/s close to them and/or in a window to keep them from stretching too much.

Glad you and @Hogbud could connect with each other both being in the same country.

Thanks @plumbdand for your kind words.


Harvested this plant first… busy curing her, surprisingly not a lot of seeds… great strong sweat smell and sticky as hell…
Puff-puff pass…



Have a beautiful day/night cannafamily…!


Even if ILGM shipped to :south_africa: you still need these gold bars to buy anything from :us_outlying_islands: …but i will get there…

Going to buy locally later, doing my homework first @Hogbud… have to say the seeds i have growing now are :100:% concerning smell/taste and stickiness… BIG PLANS for concentrate/hash eg…
Peace-out cannafamily…!