Outdoor Clones from Indoor blooming plants

The first part of June I was finished with my Indoor Harvest and I had broke off a half dozen small branches and took them out to my greenhouse, put them in a glass of water and they rooted. I already had one clone that was really doing good, it was in a 5 gal felt tub. The others were in solo cups but they came off flowering plants. I pinched the flowers off and they survived. I really hadn’t decided to plant them but my husband made that decision for me. He knows nothing about growing cannabis or much of anything. lol He took them out on our property and put the larger one in ones spot and took the other 6 and through them in the ground with no soil or pot. Down here in southern Mo. all we have is rocks and more rocks. When I first saw them out there I thought they wouldn’t or couldn’t

possibly make it. They sure went through some strange things. Single leaves, crooked and still blooming. Now it is 2 months later and they grew. I have taken some pictures and will try and show them to you later. I am doing very little and just water and feed them. Luckily, bugs not too bad for out in the rough. All of them are females as was their mothers. lol Do you think they will mature fully since they are not light or temperature controlled? Do you think they will grow longer than September? Does anyone else grow clones directly in outside soil?


They may take a little longer to finish, but they’ll still finish the same amount of time the parent did.


This will be very interesting.

I’m assuming you have tried the indoor version or have access to after cure.

I believe if you can get these outdoor plants to finish, by that I mean pull off a harvest without chopping early, the outdoor will be a better product.


I’m watching. If you could report back and show off your grow that would be cool.


I am curious as well i threw 2 outside in june myself. And seem to be doing well in 7 gallon pots


Indoor outdoor taste test! I’m inviting myself.


I’m curious as well as to which turn out to be the better smoke. Mother Nature or Imitation environment


For consistent product that will be sold in QTY, I think indoor is better if delivery of a uniform quality product is your focus.

But, I believe the phenotype variations, while although subtle at first, will be of better quality in the outdoor environment.


My husband just threw my little clones, bare roots and all, no pots. In this crazy rock filled clay dirt, not soil. So for a month we had lots of rain and I didn’t even look at them and then when I did they popped up a few feet. The Bubble gum clone is little like it’s mother plant. All of them have white pistols up and down stems, all of them. If they make it to harvest without a hitch I will be happy. They look great, just different. Still see single blade for leaves. Lucky to get 5 blades on a leaf. Anyway, this is just an experiment for me because he already quit taking care of them. They are 2 months directly in soil and blooming. I have no control the way I see it. I will keep watered and fed when necessary. They all are in flowering and very few bugs bothering them. I will keep everyone informed. It would be great if I get a little bit of kick ass cannabis. Lots to cook with out there.:herb:

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Your welcome. Lol

Oh they should finish. Aslong as i dont kill them. I just added a skywalker clone from my indoor 2 i got going see how she does too. So 2 indoor/outdoor.
I hope the outdoor is better if your theory is correct. I will let you know. For sure.im guessing September harvest??maybe October. Be that long before light cycle will prompt them right?


Harvested and been dyed and was jarred monday. Curing now see how it goes. Had some bud rot on a few so that was sad. Overall looked good! This is one before trim and dry.20190927_192810|375x500

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Heres dry


Congratulations on your finish!

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Nice looking cola. Bud rot is the worse. I had quite a bit for the first time, then again it was first time growing outdoors and with clones. Got a good bit of good buds, but still disappointing. The hunters were out early looking for their spots, so I had to run out, literally, and pull all seven up. I loaded my cart up with all of them and that wasn’t a wise thing to do. It made all the buds under the top ones, to flatten buds. It was a mess. I had to dry with all foliage on them. Cut all the rot I could find and washed them and rinsed them like I was told to do, then hung them up. So many lessons learned of what not to do next time. I have plenty of seed but I also have plenty of product. So it will be a while before I start a new grow. I have Gorilla Glue and Bergman’s Gold, that I am anxious to grow but will have to wait till I eat or smoke all I have. Just me and my husband and we aren’t real stoners yet. lol Afraid to tell anyone to share it with. We went to the annual Vietnam Veterans Reunion and 2 things no one talked about was Politics and Pot. Next Reunion is in Minnesota if their is any Vietnam Veterans on this site that hasn’t been to one. My husband was their in 65-66 and helps to see the old guys he served with and some that he didn’t. Glad you were able to salvage your grow, too.:herb:

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This was some pre trim

Some pre dry but trimmed

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