Does anyone use root accelerator during the first two weeks with FFOF fertilizer, and if ye what are your results?
I have not, I use FFOF soil and liquid trio nutrients from fox farm and I just pulled a nice harvest out of a GSC Extreme auto
Did you use your nutrients through your whole grow or did you start the first two weeks of pH the water I have the trio
The soil kept my auto fed for five weeks. Once five weeks was up and it started to flower, I started giving her nutes twice a week. I would split a gallon half way on the first day of the week, and usually about five days later, I would give her the other half of the gallon.
Thanks for the info
PH water for the first five weeks
I’m so sorry for the late response, this never came up in my notifications. I’m sure u figured it out by now but to me, that looks like a cal-mag deficiency. Get some cal-mag, put 5ml in a gallon of water, pH it to 6.5 if it in soil and it should do the trick
@Jesse420 and u want to pH the water to 6.5 for the entire grow, not just until week 5. Week 5 is when the nutrients that were in the soil will be depleted, u will then start adding ur own nutrients. I use Fox Farm like I said, 3tsp of big bloom 2 tsp of grow big and 2tsp of tiger bloom in that order
Thanks For reply You’re not late I just not sure how to use this app but I just sent you that pic and I did just give it tell Meg last night
I’ve been using distilled water should I add calmag to every watering would not Feeding nutrients
& not When using nutrients
To be honest, I have only used cal-mag a total of four times between each of my grows. I used 5ml the first week of flowering on the Girl Scout Cookie Extreme and again in the third week of flowering and that was it. So far with this GG4, I’ve used 5ml the week this one started to flower and I’ll add 5ml next week again and that’ll be it for this grow. I haven’t had any cal-mag deficiencies luckily, but to avoid them, I add the 5ml twice in flowering
@kellydans @merlin44 @Borderryan22 @ConcreteBudz @Bluntsmoke have more knowledge and experience with this stuff, they will probably be able to give a much better answer than I can. I’ll probably be learning with u once they come and comment
I don’t use distilled water but I do add CAL-MAG for most watering sessions.
I grow in FFOF and use Roots Organic dry nutients.
After mixing cal mag with water I PH back to the sweet spot. If you use a full dose you’ll be fine.
When I was in soil, I gave full dose calmag every watering, between feedings. The spots on the leaves won’t go away, but they shouldn’t get worse. Add calmag, I think 3-5ml, pH, then pour.
Fox farm soil is rich in calcium, once it’s depleted you should be replenishing likewise
Thanks guys I got it I see where I went wrong but what’s up with the calcium
Hello I said to replenish the calcium calmag fix that too