Ooh that smell Can't you smell that smell

First time grow, what should i expect when my girls flower? How stinky does the tent get and will my roommates know im growing? Lol


Yuuuuuuup. Gonna need a good exhaust fan/filter system.


I grow Northern Lights which is one of the least smelly strains and I can smell it in the yard sometimes.
There is no hiding the smell perfectly.


Room mates holy crap before i could get filters or making my own everyone on 4 different streets knew


Currently working with 6in Cloudline T6 exhaust,
4in vivosun intake, both with 4" x 14" carbon filter 1050+ RC 48 Australia Virgin Charcoal

How effective will this be for odor control when i start flowering?


You wont need a filter on the intake or at least not a carbon filter because the airflow into the tent will keep odors in. I use 6" exhaust filters and fans on anything between 44 and 48 and 8" for larger. i vent lung rooms with multiple sixes.

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Smell from the tent is one part that can be largely mitigated, but not likely not completely. Will the power or water bill they pay part of go up? I’d be cautious, if you don’t trust them to know in the first place, what will happen if/when they find out?


Yeah, absolutely. I run 2 x 6”x13” filters and can’t eliminate the smell completely. Filters help.


I must be smell dead. I never smell mine unless I’m touching them for some reason, then I smell it on my hands.


I’ve got a 3 month old Blueberry auto that has been strong smelling from the beginning. I actually like the smell. Can’t wait for actual flowers!

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Yeah, we get desensitized. I only know my house reeks because my mom tells me how lovely it smells when she pulls up into my driveway.


I mean i take bong rips all day and sometimes they have smelled it and said nothing but also they chain smoke cigarettes in the mud room half inside with door open hand outside lol so dont think it will be so noticeable


at least for harvest, you’ll be out of no smell luck… that’s a real treat on everyone’s olfactory tract, some harvest inside their tent with the exhaust ON.
so yeah at some time they’ll smell it, and as mentioned earlier electricity and water bill will go up and that might be a point of conflict if you don’t address it.


i grew some myself I’m just finishing off what I had left next is durban poison


not necessarily, I been growing about 2 yrs now my bill didn’t go up that much, if any overall, which I’m not distrubution, it’s only personal with a 300 watt mats hydro FCE 3000, with a carbon filter, but you vcan edjust the prices on how much space & light

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If you got the durban from ilgm im sure youll like it


I have a 4x8 tent with 12 plants, this is my 2nd indoor grow, I have an 8” exhaust fan with carbon filter, they only last one complete grow if you ask me, my basement does not smell ever until I open the tent to water etc, otherwise absolutely no smell whatsoever, so I would water when no one is home and it takes a good hour or so for smell to dissipate, my wife hates the smell so I water before she gets home from work and she seldom says anything. :v:


6" fan and a good sized filter on the exhaust should be fine for odors assuming you have a 4x4 tent @Shiverpine. I don’t think an intake filter is helping unless you just want real clean air coming in.

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I noticed they were a little more potent after water

Its a 3x4x6 tent, the intake filter mostly for keep the dog hair out lol

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I know right…I have 7 Goldens I’m breeding and have to do a bud wash at harvest to get the hair off.

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