Ohio Growers Unite

Ohio Growers Unite

Ohio Growers, let’s unite under this thread and share our grows and knowledge of growing and ideas here or just come here and BS about anything in general.


Tagging Ohio Members @GreenJewels @Thumper @Kenken @Skydiver


You can add some of my stuff on here if you got time bom off to work right now or I’d do it

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Not a problem @HornHead

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Thanks buddy. Where about you located. I’m really close to Columbus

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Halfway between Cambridge and Wheeling.


I’m in between Columbus and Cleveland. Great idea OSG :v::green_heart:


I am w/ between Columbus, and Cleveland as well… Thank God the rain has given us a break! And x-2 great idea OSG.


My poor girls in solo cups almost became root bound waiting on a break to get them outside in the ground. Checked on them last night and ain’t skipped a beat


Use to bow hunt the balls off Cambridge area! I use to hang w/ a wild bunch we stayed down at the inn down in Cambridge for years. Probably 40 plus of us back in the day! We reserved rooms for the following season as well. They really catered to the hunters w/ a deer hunters ball, dancers etc. Man miss those days, them ol’ boys too. But a Steer farmer from Texas bought the land, now leases… End of an era for us…

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Amen to that! I’ve already lost some buds to bud rot on my outdoor autoflowers.
This was their environment prior to the break in the weather

Oh crap @HornHead I think I accidentally fat finger flagged your post. I’m really sorry :frowning: dang clumsy fingers.
Anyway, Cambridge is a beautiful area. I have dear hunted the salt fork. Do a lot of shrooming down there in spring. Go to lake hope occasionally too for shrooming.


No worries

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I’m just about 21 miles East of Cambridge. Bethesda. Yeah about time the rain has stopped. Gonna throw some autos out back. May even put a few of the 1st Northern Lights cuts outside I took a couple weeks ago…


Whats up Ohio growers… Akron area here…

@GreenJewels I have also lost some bud already to the rot. This humidity and constent moisture is killing me… I’m going to harvest one tonight so I don’t lose anymore off of it…

Hopefully it starts to dry out for us all. Usually we dont get a spring, this year it lasted for 5 months, lol…


@Ron330 Glad to have you onboard with us…

Ok “O High O Growers” What’s everyone’s go to cloning techniques?

I’m pretty much old school on this end. But an old dog can always learn a few new tricks.

A few cloners I’ve used passed and present. In the past, and by past I mean over 30 years ago. I used a very simple method. Just styrofoam cups cut in half. Floated in a tote with water and a very mild nutrient mix and small air pump. This method has served me well through the years. and produced a bountiful countless number of clones… So when I started growing again over a year ago I went right on back to this method. Cheap , simple, low cost and effective.

Pics of simple basic cloner and clones from last year.

Also tried using Rapid rooters in a similar set up. But my success rate wasn’t as high as the water method.

So after that I went back to my old tried and true method to produce these next Skunk Clones.

A few weeks ago I tweaked my old setup slightly. Grabbed a new container at the local dollar general. $4.00 with lid, pool noodle, $1.00, can of black spray paint to keep light off roots $1.34, air pump already had one on hand and found another one in the garage of the new place I moved to. So a lil’ over $6.00, who can complain about that.

Working so well I just had to throw a 2nd one together. for these next cuts taken the other day.

Next month when I can get to the hardware store to get some pvc and larger tote to house everything I plan on upgrading again. This time I’m going to build an aeroponics spray mist cloner. Like the one in this link. Building an Inexpensive Hydroponics/Aeroponics System - YouTube
Already have a submersible pump. “Free” Was also found in the garage with the extra air pump from the previous tenants. Found all kinds of goodies left behind that seemed to have my name written all over them. lol. Filtration systems, aquarium water heaters, extra plastic pots if I need them
Pictures of new build to follow next month…

I showed you mine. Now let’s see your’s and what your working with. It’s all about learning and sharing ideas…
Cheers Everyone…



Damn typo above. Geesh you’d think I should be able to spell my own name by now. lol.

Time for a Wake -n- Bake…

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I’m here what’s up

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Mornin’ Ken. Cheers…


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