OG Kush and Royal Skywalker Flipping delima

Grow Mates,

First grow for me. Need some advice regarding 2 plants. Kush appears to be lagging in flower development. The Royal Skywalker visually appears to be in a more advanced flower development state. I’ll post photos below. Initially, the kush was 1.5 weeks ahead of the Skywalker. However, the Skywalker took off like a rocket in the last 3 weeks, surpassing the kush (genetics?) Looking for guidance on what to do. Wait or flip?


Royal Skywalker

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BTW, I pruned both 2 days ago of leaves to expose cola sites and LST’d both.
So they may exhibit signs of stress.

This appears to be flowering already. Are you growing autoflowers?
Autoflowers don’t need to be flipped. If the other is photo period then it will need 12/12 to flower. You can flip it now if it is a photo period.
Exposing bud site to light is not a big need. Flowers don’t need light to grow. Leaves provide the nutrients to make flowers. Don’t remove any more leaves than needed to prevent mold. Too many leaves can stop air flow and raise humidity in the buds. But taking too many leaves only will stunt the plant.


Seeds were purchased as feminized photo periods from Royal Queen seeds. The Skywalker was stunted then took off and surpassed the Kush.

My question is how long can I keep the Skywalker in Veg until the Kush flowers are more developed. Am I harming the Skywalker by not flipping?

You can veg a photo as long as you like. Keep in mind the stretch tho when you flip it. Make sure you have enough room.


I’m growing two plants in a 4x4x6’4” tent. I plan to scrog the plants this week. I’m aware that they will stretch during flower. Four 100 watt LED lights are clear of obstructions to the top of the tent as my inline fan is towards the back of the tent . My hope is that I’ll have enough head room for a +10” gap between the lights and top of colas. .

Thanks for the advice.I will continue to Veg the Kush until the flowers mature enough to flip.


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Happy growing

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What is your lighting schedule set at? Photoperiod plants should not have buttons in veg.

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I’m running an 18/6 light schedule. Going to wait until Kush flowers are further developed then switch to 12/12 for flower.

I’m not a super experienced grower but I have purchased phot period seeds and had a similar experience. One was definitely an auto. I figured they got a seed mixed. It actually turned out to be a good experience as I kind of developed a liking to growing autos indoors. I’m getting ready for some outdoor stealth photos this spring. Happy growing!!!

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Thanks for the feedback. I’m going to treat it like a photo period, regardless and push the Kush into another week of veg in hopes the flowers will mature.

I just top dressed with Dr. Earth Veg and Bud and Bloom and just hung my scrog net. I’m completely out of my element with this coco and organic nutes grow. But it appears to be going well.

Cheers grow mate!


You’ll do great! I used Dr. E’s Bloom Booster and Dr. E’s Acid Lovers during veg. Girls love it! Cheers!!

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I wish I learned this a year ago.
I like need lights on in the winter, to stay warm, 18/6 is perfect, for me.

That plant is not in veg

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Thanks , agreed. The Skywalker seed was sold to me as a photo period. Comments so far indicate that it’s an autoflower. I’ll reach out to supplier again.

So, I’m essentially screwed. I’ve got a Kush Photo and apparently a Skywalker auto in the same tent. Harvesting and drying and curing will be out of sync. Just bloody frustrating! SMH.

It’s not unusual to harvest plants out of the same tent at different times. A drawback is that you must dry your first harvest somewhere other than in the tent. If you’re ready to flower the Kush, go ahead and flip the tent to 12/12.

Just flip them to 12/12 light schedule…
Everything will be fine…
Dont wait…
That other plant wont start to flower until you flip them , but your auto will suffer if you don’t flip now… :+1:
Your choice… :thinking:
:v: :sunglasses:


Thank you grow mates. I’m already searching for a 2x4 tent and yet another ACInfinity 4” inline fan with controller. I like the 69 controller as it has automated programs for seedling, veg, flower and drying. This is my first grow I want to make sure I don’t screw it up in the home stretch.

Thanks to all that replied.


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Thanks brother I’ already switched to 12/12


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Thanks mate. I’ve already flipped to 12/12


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