Odd spots on a Leaf

I found this leaf on one of my plants today and was wondering if anyone can help identify the issue?
Skunkhero RBX1
Week 4 veg with Royal Gold Tupur coco Athena blended at their levels, nothing else but Athena
pH 5.9 in and same with runoff
Ec is at 2.1, and getting a 2.3 runoff
600ppfd with 18/6 cycle
66% average RH
79F average temp
VPD is 1.1-1.3
Thank you!


Genetic mutation known as variegation more then likely.
Some virus can cause this look but it’s extremely rear that anyone actually get mosaic virus.

If just one leaf and plant is otherwise healthy, I wouldn’t be concerned…

Some time variegation can give bright white even bright Canary yellow like a yellow crayon, even producing white and or yellow buds :sweat_smile:
It dosen’t help or hurt the plants but looks really cool sometimes.


Thank you! Yes, it was only one leaf. I think I might be a helicopter parent, but have never seen this. Haha!


We all where at some point for sure :sweat_smile:

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