Odd Smell While Curing

Started drying my first grow. Smelled great but after a week or so the scent faded. Just pulled the buds to cure and there’s a slight sharp or pungent scent to it. What’s wrong and what do I need to do? They dried in a fairly dry atmosphere. Lowish humidity.

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They’ll take on a sort of hayish smell during drying, a week or two in the bags should do the job if they’ve been dried properly :ok_hand: the smell will improve with time, provided there’s no underlying mold


Sweating then at 65%RH Grove Bags or burp-able jar.


Barn/hay, paint thinner/varsol, and cat piss, smells I’ve noticed come and go during dry and cure.
The good stuff is hidden in the buds, should be there if you chop up a bud. Will get better after jar’d or bagged