My buds started off smelling dank at harvest and for 2 days into drying but now on day 5 the smell is barely there and it just smells like hay/grass. Is this normal and will curing fix this? Or did I fuck it up? The humidity has been around 45-50% humidity and around 70 degrees, I have 3 fans circulating air ( not blowing directly on buds) an ac and fan in window.
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Still has chlorophyll in it will break down as u cure dank smell will return.
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It’s normal and will be fine as long as you don’t over dry em. Shouldn’t be the problem at that temp and rh in 5 days. Feel em a little if you can snap the small stems or the buds are a little crunchy on the outside it might be time to jar em. There’s no set number of days and you might have to jar some of the smaller ones a day or two before the big ones. Make sure you keep a close eye on em once you jar them especially the bigger ones
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