@yoshi @McLovin777 @TheDuke @Countryboyjvd1971 @bob31 i was wondering what you guys thought of this??
I have never used that so I don’t know. the info I found on Amazon doesn’t really tell me why I would need this product.
It is a bit less on Amazon tho.
Tagging a few of the mods to see if they are familiar with it!
Humic acid and fulvic acid no NPK a stress reducer more than a fertilizer
@Donaldj are those ingredients listed? The title sounded good so thought i would ask. Thanks!
Do any of you know of some nutirents i could start using that wouldnt break the bank?? Its because this is my first grow and i have already made some mistakes idk if putting nutrients at this time would make a difference or not…i saw @yoshi mentioned rexharge and microbe life so this was one that came up on google. I looked up recharge it was like $30 so i was wondering if i could find simethong cheaper that still would work. I have not added anything ip to this point.
Kelp basically not saying they don’t help but mostly for stress reduction so not a base nutrient or fertilizer/food perse’ more an additive
Oh ok thank you.
Idk where your located but I just went to my local farm and fleet store and got 2 out of 3 of the fox farm nutes for under 20 bucks
the GH big 3 on amazon is pretty reasonable @torixredduer
Thank you. I just boughy a mars hydro 300w so i should get it next week which means i can jimmy rig my space tote lol and transplant mu plants into their fab pots. If im going to use ffof do i need these?? ^^
Not sure but if it’s a stress reducer go liquid karma, think it’s what stopped my plants becoming drug addicts due to all the stress I caused them
This one is too easy
Real dirt- growing directly in fertile ground provides the best baseline of nutrients for almost all plants, not just cannabis.
My deepest regrets to anyone who can’t grow outdoors for whatever reason.
I use Alaska Fish 5-1-1 and some CaMa + during veg
Thank you for everyone that has taken the time to respond to all my posts and questions i appreciate it! And excuse my misprints i type so fast sometimes. All this excitment i find muself checking this even when I’m at work lol!
Did you end up deciding what you are going to buy?
@Immortalized not quite…i just got my light in so im attempting to build mu space tote as we speak lol…its def on the list. When i started i started half ass backwards i guess and i didnt have anything i needed. I sprouted these babys in formula containers on my window seal and all the reading from this forum and others made me realize i got ahead of myself…so as the ladies are growing im having to buy the things i need here and there. I have faith itll all work out
You know what they say right? You got to have faith in something My 2 cent for nutes though that I find super easy to use is dutchmaster gold. Pretty cheap and tailored to have all the essential things a plant may need in it life cycle.
A lot better than buying a dozen different bottles with ingredients separated out like a lot of nutrients companies like to do for more $$. Brand started in Australia like another popular company Cyco ect ect. Haven’t used Cyco so can’t comment on it.
A small bottle of A&B will last you the entire grow and then some if you are only growing small. Essentially what the plants need is the main ingredients it uses for it building blocks it doesn’t really care what brand it is not like us humans that care about taste/flavor and even if the taste/flavor the same we go complicate it by which brand got better marketing since we like to show off.
Plants are a lot less fussy… As long as it food and giving them what it needs to thrive it will grow big and fast!
A lot has to do with what is available to you!
@torixredduer, don’t buy anything yet! You have a couple of months to decide what you want to do. Read. Look at grow journals, follow the forum and talk to people. You don’t need nutes yet so now’s the best time to research your best nutrient regimen.
First thing that I would say is for you to decide if you want to go organic or not. This will inform your decision making process. From there you have a nearly infinite regime of nutrient systems to choose from.
I’m currently using both FF and GH in different grows and like them fine. I’m also gathering my stuff to compost my own soil for a grow next year entirely organic. For fun.
Oh, and welcome!