Nutrients in Self watering bases for fabric pots

First shot is from June 14th

Second shot is from this morning on june 24th.

I am a few weeks away from sending these into flower, and i want to add some nitrogen to them to bring some of that darker color back.

I purchased a foxfarm three pack of big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom on amazon…

how do i apply these to my setup here?

Can i just add them into a gallon of distilled water and just pour them into the bases?


I’ve been using the Advanced nutrients line directly in the base and the product booklet instructions note water soluble nutrients can be added to the base. I believe the FF line is all water soluble and you should be good.

I read in another post to not add any microbes to the base and to top feed those in if needed. Also if you’re using nutrients in the base be sure to pull the bases every other week at least to clean the basin and wicks. When cleaning the wicks be sure to use warm water to remove the nutrient buildup and massage all the root pieces out to avoid locking out the wicks. Also it was noted in the instructions I think that the wicks perform better if wetted before use because it simulates the wicking process faster.

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I have them in the Scrogg Screen, will it hurt them to pull the basins out from under the pots to clean? It will dropp the pots down several inches when removed

So I was wondering about this as well. It’s only my first grow and I planned to use the screen that came with my tent but it was kind of trash and I switched to training with tie downs and clips. My thought is that as long as you’re not tying the plant to the screen, which isn’t necessary for SCROG anyways, then you should be able to pull the screen up or down some to account for the height change before pulling the bases to avoid damage. If not tying you could also pull the screen completely and after feeding just place the branches back through. If you went with a fixed screen setup you’ll probably want to just feed water through the bases and do separate top feeds for nutrients. The roots grow into the wicks pretty fast with just water and crazy fast with nutrients so you could definitely end up locking out the wicks in a few weeks if you’re not regularly cleaning them.

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I made my screen with legs that fold up! I can just attach some hooks to it for safety and dangle it from the ceiling with enough slack to accommodate the drop distance of the pots! Hell yeah im glad you mentioned this!

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Happy to help! I’ve been getting tons of help from folks on here so glad I’m getting to the point where I can pass some of that on.

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Just remove the screen if you’re not planning on running a SCROG

The point of the screen is to spread out the plant to fill the screen before flowering.

If not, then it’s just a bud support once you get there. That means the screen would have to be raised after stretch to mid way up the colas for support.


Im using both fabric pots and the AC Infinity self water bases.

I just put the liquid nutrients directly into my water base with the appropriate dilution (some are like 5ml per gallon and so on).

Then once that is used up, i do 2 pure water refills only before i redo the nutrients again (usually about once a week since it gets drained about every 1.5-2 days).

Heres what im looking at on day 45.

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I am attempting to fill the screen out at the moment. I started this off topping them twice, and then moved to tying the branches down before i moved to the scrogg. Does my setup look ok for what i have atm? I was told to fill the screen up 75% of the way and the other 25% will get filled with the initial stretching.

Is this your first go round with this setup, like me? Or have you had successful runs with this approach?

Your leaves look like they have absorbed alot of nitrogen, is that from the nutrients you have been giving them?

Mine are looking a little lighter green atm😕

Yeah this is my first grow doing this.

I just shifted away from nitrogen as a whole outside whats in my clyde (bloom) and the occassional calmag.

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I need to add some nitrogen to mine. I switched soils about a month into the grow because it wasnt the right soil for the plants, so it stunted the growth a bit when i stripped all the old soil off the roots and messed with the root ball.

My plants are within a week of being 4 months old…they are rather on the small side compaired to my grow attempts before that were as tall as me, but i didnt have a good light or the knowledge to help them grow, so they never flowered and got out of control so i had to chop them.

Im doing coco coir, perlite and i added a little worm casing.

Im at day 48 almost 49 with this wedding cake auto.

Everything has been learning so im excited ive made it this far for my first time.

Use a grow log like jane for notes so you can learn from mistakes. Its done me wonders on this.


It looks like the screen may be a lil high for a SCROG. Hard to tell from the pic. You want that screen low as you can to the pot, but it is still high enough for you to get under it to feed. That, to me, is about 8-10” off the top of the pot.

You have 2 plants in that screen. You’ll have branches going everywhere, so it’s gonna be hard to tell strains a part once they fill in. I like to tag branches with 2 different color zip ties to distinguish the different strains when I chop.

Yup, fill it almost completely in and the sides will come in with the stretch. Maybe check out some SCROG topics. This is a good one.


Be happy to help answer any questions i can! Thanks for the tag @Budbrother.


Still had that pic of yours (recently deleted folder) from the other night. Glad to see that you now have a canopy fan going.

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Im at work atm, and cant take a new shot of it, but this is a shot of the side from under the screen. I have the legs on the screen cut to 18" tall. Im not sure of an exact measurement from lip of pot to bittom of screen but i would imagine its within that 8 to 10 inch margin?


Looks prime. Now you just have to decide to tuck under the screen or tie down from the top. I personally go from the top to make harvest easier for me. Then again, I use a ridged screen that doesn’t bow upwards as the plants grow.


ARe tose autos or photos?

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Those were photos

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