Next grow you could introduce a modified program using MKP with a 2-2-2-1.2 ratio for the first three weeks of transition to flower. Then resume the normal 3-2-1 program. But it’s not necessary.
Monopotassium Phosphate, available on Amazon and others.
Your current ratio for Jack’s is 3 parts by weight Part A, 2 parts for Part B and 1 part Epsom. The ratio goes down to 2 parts A, 2 of B, 2 of Epsom and 1.2 parts MKP. Run for 3 weeks at first sign of preflowers.
Grabbed a screen from a video I watched. Cropped for relevance. NPK and micros of Jack’s 321 on left. Rightmost column is the same for the formula @Myfriendis410 is referring to.
Hello there, hope you’re still around and doing well.
I’m also doing a similar switch to Jacks 123.
Is your flower mix the same chemicals as the veg stage just different quantities?