Jack's Nutrients 7-15-30 Finish

should i add this with the jacks part a and b or without those, bit confused on how im supposed to use it is all dont wanna poison my plant when its time to use it lol.


The chart i saw just show it and Epsom but im still new so idont want to steer you wrong Happy growing

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I haven’t used this but have used MKP (Monopotassium Phosphate) right at transition for three weeks. That loads the plant with the P and K bolus to help with flower. I didn’t see anything on the Jack’s website describing how and when it’s used.


Use the jacks finish and part B, what week of flower Growmie :love_you_gesture:


Day 37 i know for sure

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Looks like week 2 of flower, the jacks finish is for around weeks 6-8. Jacks Bloom is used for the transition through week 3 Growmie :love_you_gesture:


should i mix bloom right now then and should it be mixed with a and b or just only by itself till the finish time ?

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The recommended feeding should be on the package Grow Bro, when I used the Bloom and Finish I used part B :love_you_gesture:

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Is that because you want more nutrient/calcium uptake due to the high potassium and such or am I wrong. trying to understand the why :sweat_smile: sorry I just like to understand it as deeply as I can if you don’t have an answer no worries I’ll use the advice regardless lol thanks again as always.

Normal plant fertilizers have high nitrogen and less phosphorus and potassium, along with trace elements. The nitrogen encourages leaf growth, the potassium encourages fruit and flowers, the phosphorus encourages root growth and thickens the cell walls, which helps reduce disease.

When plants start flowering they use more potassium and phosphorus and less nitrogen, but they still need some nitrogen.

It’s a good idea to start adding more potassium and phosphorus a few weeks before the plant starts to flower so it has a plentiful supply of these nutrients when it actually flowers.

When the plant is half way through flowering it won’t use much nitrogen and will primarily be using the potassium and phosphorus.

The plants use other minerals and elements too but the 3 main numbers listed on fertilizer packets are NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

For the vegetative state (growing leaves and stems) you have a high number for nitrogen and low numbers for potassium and phosphorus.

For flowering you have a low number for nitrogen and high number for potassium, with an inbetween number for phosphorus.

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Ah ok so when I add the bloom should I add more bloom than part b ? Ty for the detailed response like that’s very insightful I didn’t realize potassium was so crucial for the plants growth I got a new found respect for it.

I don’t know what’s in the bloom or part a or b. Do they have ingredients listed?

Products that encourage blooming are usually potassium based and you can use more of that when the flowers are appearing. Don’t overdose but follow the directions on packaging for dose rates.

Yeah ogincognito suggested the part b with it I trust him on pretty much everything he could tell me to jump off a cliff I would be OK I’d prob do it lol.


Follow the feeding schedule. Finish is for the end. Not needed imo, close enough to part a numbers.


would you say i need to have my ppm with bloom at around 900 per gallon still, i never understand the feeding schedules on jacks website.

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is that saying i should have my ppm at 250 for bloom or should i have my ppm stay around 900 like ive been doing with part a and b, sorry the schedules dont make sense to me.

My water source has a TDS of 120 PPMs and mixed the Bloom per the instructions with around 1.6-2.0 grams of part B for the added calcium. Can’t remember the final mixed PPMs off the top of my head as I haven’t used jacks in a year :love_you_gesture:

Ah gotchya ill take that advice and apply it and I’ll watch the plant carefully incase of adjustment then I got a idea at the least now so I appreciate it.

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Sorry i dont understand your question. Follow the feeding schedule if you have all parts. Or 321 start to finish. According to feeding schedule you would be around 950 tds with the bloom and epsom. Give or take some depending on tds of base tap. Your not supposed to use part b with the bloom based on the schedule. Also bloom is for one week only. Id recommend the normal 3.7, 2.5, 1 start to finish of a,b, and epsom


Yeah I don’t understand the schedules tbh so I’ve been winging the mixtures whatever feels right mostly lol it hasn’t died yet :sweat_smile: I’m close to 4 weeks at 38 days total from sprout figured I’d prob run it a few times 1 week and see what happens.