Nute Burn, Rot or something else? Durban Poison Auto

It has been extremely hot her in Central Texas. Over 100 for 10 days, and the next 10 days.
I thought I had Nute burn, and flushed the 5 gallon fabric pot. Things seem to have gotten worse. The plant was transplanted to Fox Farm soil almost 15 weeks ago, and started flowering about 8 weeks. I have also been using the ILGM packaged nutes.

Any thioughts.
Thank you.

1 Like be excess nitrogen. See how the leaves are dark green and waxy? I would back off feeding and just water a few times then feed. The heat above 100 isnt helping either.

@kalkas , here is how you find your past posts in the future…


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Second pic looks to be full of rotten buds

You definitely are dealing with bud rot. Do you have proper drainage on the containers? Something is definitely causing you a major problem.

They are in fabric containers, so they should drain enough. I had them on drip irrigation, since they are in a remote location, and I can only get up there every 4-5 days.

Does heat contribute to bud rot. We have had little to no rain to get the plants damp.

Humidity is the main cause.

My outdoor grows get BR mostly from caterpillar waste I think. They hide inside of the flowers and their :poop: creates the initial mold imo.

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