I can't figure this out.. browning at one bud site

7 weeks in Auto Durban Poison… Just noticed this today at only one (mid) bud site… I have noticed slight discoloration on a few lower fan leaves from what I can only assume is overly toxic FF nutes… Related?

Any ideas? TIA!


Looks like you may have dripped nutrients on it.


The burned tips is due to too much nitrogen. What soil are you using and do you know your runoff pH and PPM?

The right side of the 1st pic looks like it might be a bit of mold (bud rot.) What is your humidity and do you have good airflow around the plant?


In all honesty, whatever problem it is, it’s pretty minor. I would not follow the gut impulse to do something drastic and change things up on the plant. Just let her settle down and do her thing.

I would go water for the next week, maybe 10 days. If nothing changes just let her ride. If it gets a little bit worse. I might re-examine it after the week. Durban is a real strong growing stretch monster. Of any strain I bet it can grow out of a little trouble. It’s Durban poison. It’s a real pack horse. Even if it’s going straight uphill it still going to get there.

What I’m saying is I found in my experience that Durban poison doesn’t need much in the way nutes to shine. It’s quite a resilient cultivar. I cannot call it landrace x ruderallis. But I don’t want to change the topic.
Happy growing


That lower bud mite have bud rot if so carefully remove it


I was using a transfer pump with a nute mix 1/2 hour before this… That might be it…!


Most usually if you see something random like that and its in an unusual area thats what happened. Even leaving a few drop of regular water on your leaves with lights on can do similar things and nutrients will get ya everytime. I get that sometimes if im careless filling my reservoirs.


I just gave the rest the once over, and found little spots on a few leaves on others, too.

Just in case, I removed the 2 buds that got in the above pics… Humidity is solid <= 60%, so I hope it isn’t bud rot… enviro is controlled (ACI)…

Seems I always have situations where there are no pics online to use for diagnosis!



My vote.


Sounds more and more like splash damage.


Sounds more and more like splash damage

I actually had a friend help me with the watering, and I noticed that he didn’t stop the transfer pump in between plants. They’re only about 30 in tall so it makes sense.

I learned a new word now or phrase, splash damage!

No I will go try to look that up and see if there were pictures that I missed. I find that the long descriptions of symptoms that many sites adopt, are just about useless in situations where there are one or more ways to describe something. The sites that just show the pictures though, they make things far easier.

I found this especially true when I was looking for ways to identify the various strains by looking at the leaves or the flowers. A bunch of sites just wrote descriptions, which I don’t think is how most people visually compare things.

Anyway, I’m not a seasoned grower, so virtually everything is new to me in the way of problems.

Leaf discoloration that is mentioned in a comment above, if I didn’t mention it already I’ve discovered it’s from nutrient toxicity. Odd because this is the 7th week and with routine watering this hasn’t happened. I have nothing to base that on of course.

So it’s water for a while until they look better, and even at 28 to 34 in they are thirsty every other day in 3 gallon pots.

Thanks to everybody!



Splash damage was a phrase made up by myself to explain the damage from nutrients splashing on your leaves and bud and causing the browning. I could be wrong. I wouldnt go down the rabbit hole too bad. Unless its spreading and hasnt stopped.

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