Now i understand the issues with miracle grow

so all i had was MG soil when i started and now i see some of the issues, being time released its close to impossible to get an accurate ppm reading


Yeah, some people get away with it, but most end up with nute burn and pH problems. It submarines your pH and nukes plants with nutes every time you water.

The photo is from a user asking about problems and it turned out he was in MG. Nute burn in MG is pretty common.


mine has made it 4 1/2 weeks into flowering but def not looking good now

Honestly ur best of getting promix hp and transplanting ur girl into better soil and personally i would get away from bottled nutrients go jacks 321 or Gaia Green natures living soil or down to earth products go organic


i dont think youre supposed to transplant autos

You can totally transplant autos. Lot of people don’t but I can fit more in my vegging area that way.

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Nov. 6th to Dec. 6th

whats up with your name, are you a skater?

Skateboarder , yes.

I like to get a nice root ball and right before transplant I slice a few roots so they grow out in new directions.

lol sorry i went off topic, i skate as well

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I said that stuff to say this. I grew that in Miracle Grow Organics (black and yellow bag ) . I hear it releases tpo much nitrogen time but I flushed this soil a bit so I haven’t had any nute issues.

How long has the auto been above ground? I grow mainly autos and transplanting them in or after week 3 is risky. They use the first 3 weeks to establish a nice root mass and veg, around week 4 is preflower/ flower. Very short duration between this period and autos can be finicky and stalk growth :love_you_gesture:

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