Ok so I have a question I’m doing autoflowers they are on their 8 th day out of soil and I’m wondering when I should hit them with nutes? I stated in fox farm ocean soil and I think that’s good for two weeks but not sure please help I don’t want to hurt them . And also the nutes I use should they be for veg for now or bloom or what ? Thanks everybody have a blessed Friday
It won’t be necessary to feed anything other than water for 4 to 6 weeks. Many don’t begin nutes when in OF until they reach flowering.
The best thing to do is to get yourself a PPM meter and begin feeding when PPM dips below ~800.
Please be aware that autos are more sensitive to nutes than photo plants are. It is much easier to experience nute burn, so you really need to manage PPM well to be fully successful.
As mentioned autos in Ocean Forest soil you could very Easley go up to flowering stage without feeding.
Ok thank you guys I just don’t want nothing happening lol they are doing so good
Honestly when i was in ffof i didnt know anuthing then. I started to do full feeds after 2 weeks. It did give tip burn on the bigger leaves of the plants lol but it wasnt as bad as some say. Hell alot tell ppl dont even start seeds in ffof. I did with minimal issues at all. Only one burned some and it was an auto. Like said above. Watch the run off ppms and when they get to be under 1000 from my understanding is about when to start feeding and usually in ffof depending on watering schedules usually last til about flower. I do nutes from the start as im in coco. Speaking of i should have some packages coming today tribus original and lumina and some flower fuel.
Yeah I started in the same soil no issues , ok I have a ph meter but not one to test the runoff , any suggestions on what to get I honestly don’t even know how to test run off or anything But want to learn so I’m assuming run off being the water that runs out after you water ?
Thank you there’s so much to learn it’s insane like I want to be successful and every time I turn around there’s something new and I get nervous I invested quite a bit in this setup and seeds etc it’s like wow lol
Water runoff Being what comes out the bottom of the pot usually 20% . You will not need to water to run off for several weeks your soil has plenty of nutrients to fulfill the needs of the plant. Four to six weeks into the Grow check your runoff see what your PPM numbers. That will verify when you need to feed. You can also use your pH meter to check pH runoff. water in at 6.5 PH you can adjust with ph up and down. Hope that helps good luck.