Not sure if seedling is yellow?

She’s doing hydro @bob31 she mentioned that earlier brother woohoo
Dam I missed that as well @Dopehat turnoff light give her a rest period for sure Ivebeen using 14/10 for my veg times working great so far suggested by several of the mods on her I won’t be using the 18/6 schedule anymore my self


Oh lovely @bob31, I assume you’re in the USA? I live in a rainforest in the mountains in Australia :slight_smile:

The strain is Med Gom 1.0 (my attempt at a higher CBD / more medicinal strain) Autoflower. I’m only growing one to start off with (as tempting as it is to try 2 I’ve resisted for this round!)

After the rockwool she’ll be hydro DWC, 16L (I believe) pot or bucket, growing medium is clay pebbles.

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Ayee save us some money and give better growth you say? I’m on it next time! Any idea how to switch your phone to phone mode as I just clicked desktop view like an absolute muppet

For sure @McLovin777 try it the plant seem to love the times
And yes you save $ lol
I believe it was latewood who started it but majiktoker and hogmaster both use it also :+1: As well as others

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I’m not familiar with that exact strain but I am familiar with the CBD to THC matters as I grow for me and my wife both of us have chronic pain issues.

We have a great thread on making vape juice for using in portable vaporizers. Lots easier on the lungs.

I will also tell you that it is probably easier to buy CBD oil online (at least for us in the US) and then grow our own meds and mix the two together for vaping etc. We have an interesting thread her on the site I can post the link to it for you or tag you over to it!

Yes I am in the NE USA and MJ is legal in my state. @Dopehat

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Stop bragging @bob31 some of us are still in the shadows :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: hahhahaha :v::cowboy_hat_face:CB


It’s gonna happen @Countryboyjvd1971 once these other states see that there have been no reefer madness issues, lol


Oh well there you go, definitely familiar with the CBD/THC thing then @bob31. I’ve tried way too many pharmaceuticals, none of which have helped my strong pain and all of which I’ve hated! I really wish it was legal here, it’ll be years until that happens and I just can’t wait.

I definitely want to make it into vape, I’m trying to help my pain so health is part of that. The only CBD I’ve been able to get ahold of online is Hemp derived CBD, so extremely low concentration and it did absolutely nothing for me sadly. Weed is still very much illegal in Australia, we only just legalised certain Hemp products (which all need to have like 0.01% THC or less to be legal :expressionless:) If you have that link handy that would be great, otherwise I do intend to speak to my hydro store guy once I harvest as he helps a lot of sick people make oil and such.

I know @bob31 and NY is a greedy state to begin with they are running out of places to stick there hands our pockets are empty here lol
You see that post that @hillbilly103 posted about a state of emergency Lmfao

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Oh also, I’ll buy a timer tomorrow so from then on I’ll have her on at least 8 hours of darkness each day rather than the 24hr light currently.

Do you guys think a heat mat is necessary for her at all for when the lights are off? I notice the LED light puts out a bit of heat for her but I’m worried it’ll get too cold when the light’s off. Although the heater is basically always on in this house (it’s currently winter) so it’s never crazy cold. @Countryboyjvd1971 @bob31 @McLovin777

Get yourself a digital thermo hygro meter miss hat, you can check how high or low it goes overnight that way, honestly don know what I’d do without mine sometimes

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I’ll look into that @McLovin777 hopefully not too expensive for my sick broke ass! :scream:

Update, I just ordered a thermometer and TDS tester :slight_smile:


I would have to agree she looks a bit hungry and that your ph is off if you have visible roots you should be considering putting her into DWC unit

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Thanks @Donaldj my hydro store guy told me I could put her into the DWC unit in a few days, she definitely looks ready to me right now! Her roots are poking through everywhere!

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I don’t think you’ll need that at this point myself @Dopehat
@Donaldj is the hydro guy so go with his advice from here out and you’ll have a successful grow :v::cowboy_hat_face:CB


@Dopehat both are good investments knowing what your water starts at and ends at after adding nutrients is important unlike soil plain water has very feww things to offer your lady. In soil a ppm even in a starter soil is somewhere above 600 from the first water and only starts to reduce overtime


Good job, wise investment I can assure you (and cheap) chuck them in dwc and you’ll be amzed… the roots will go half an inch a day down towards the water until they hit… and then BOOM growth that’s beyond 99% of first timers expectations id say, really is amazing to see.

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I am familiar with the CBD/ THC issue. very much so. Even though we are legal here they still don’t sell what my wife needs exactly. We have to mix and match so she gets a lot of CBD and only a little THC

Here is the link! @Dopehat


She’s definitely looking more yellow today… hopefully she just might need a few days to recover? I think I’m going to transplant her into the DWC system tomorrow, what to do you reckon @Donaldj ? I’m thinking maybe she’s telling me it’s time (although honestly I have no real idea).

Also, how would I actually rectify the PH issue? I kind of dropped some 5.5 PH water into the rockwool but should I actually soak it in the 5.5 water and then gently squeeze? The rockwool is probably a mix now of 7PH & 5.5PH (I’m not sure how to explain that clearly!)

I think you can put her in the bucket @Dopehat
But wait for @Donaldj to answer
If she was mine I would have potted her already myself and you did say you have roots coming out of the rock wool didn’t you ?

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