Hey my first grow i have a 1.2x1.2x2m tent with a 600w hps light and 2 fans
Got 2 seedlings off a friend who just grew them on a window sil for nearly 2 months
I am worries because they are so small and wondering if they might be stunted due to lack of sunlight. I have them on a 18/6 light cycle now. They are showing a little bit of growth but i have only had them for a week. Any
Information would be greatly appreciated
Not sure if they’re yellowed due to the photos or a lack of nitrogen or improper nutrient uptake due to incorrect ph. Please fill out a support ticket and fill in what you can. The first thing I would do is water with ph 6.5 water, NO NUTES, and see what the runoff ph is. I would not be surprised if it’s way off. Based on that you can chart a course of action.
I think its just the photo they dont look yellow to me but this is my first time so im not too sure, how do a check run off ph? I have a cheap ph soil tester from the local hardware store, should i be getting a better one online?
Water with ph 6.5 water until it runs off and capture the runoff and measure the ph. If it’s excessively high or low you may have to amend your soil. Better balanced pictures and a support ticket would help.
Whats a support ticket? I only started using this site today
Welcome to ILGM forum, @Chow
This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA
ILGM Support Ticket:
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)?
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container?
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)?
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type?
pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant?
Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir.
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps?
Humidity %? Day vs. night
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR?
Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering?
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but try to be brief and to the point. Short and to the point questions and/or facts will help us help you
And @Chow if you can take a picture in natural light, like outside, it will be useful And, you’ll need to purchase a pH meter and a TDS meter …
A pH soil probe only have an accuracy of +/- 1 for the best one, since you have a cheap one, the accuracy can be as far as 1.5 to 2…
In soil, your pH runoff should be the closest possible to 6.5, and, if you do not already have it, a pH up -pH down kit is a must, like @Myfriendis410 mention. …
ILGM Support Ticket:
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)? Unknow bag seed
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container? Indoor
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)? 1.2x1.2x2
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type?
pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant? With a soil tester says 6 but am looking buying better tester now
Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir. Havent given it anything yet, should i give it some? Should i be using liquid nuts or could i use pelets?
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps? Na
Humidity %? Day vs. night na
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR? 600w hps
Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? Have 2 fans one before and one after the light and just one clipper fan, not sure on the sizes of them
Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering? Plants are about 8 weeks in veg
Got a good ph tester and my tap water was at 7.5 so ive used ph down to get it to 6.6 so hopefully that will help thanks for the help guys, but im still wondering if these plants will be stunted from not getting much light at the start of their veg
Maybe stunted from what it could’ve been,but you came to the right place,we’ll get you turned around and on the path to a great harvest!
Also, welcome to Ilgm the best cannabis forum in the world! As you can already see, a lot of great folks to help.
Keep em green!
I’ll bet you caught them in plenty of time. Catch your runoff and see what it is. You may want to water a bit below 6.5 for a while to get back into the proper range.
Run off is 6.8
That’s too high IMO. You have a couple of choices. You can amend the soil to lower the ph by .5 or at the next watering, use water that is at, say, ph 5.8 and check the runoff. Continue watering with that value until you see your runoff ph fall into the correct range (6.3 + or -).
Cool thanks the bigger plant is loving the correct ph water its gotten alot more green and is now starting to grow from where i topped it
@Chow The sweet spot for soil is pH 6.5… However, at 6.8, you’re fine, just water at a pH of 6.5… And by the way, the range of acceptable pH in soil is between 6.3 and 6.8
By watering at pH 5.8 you’ll risk deficiency (P, Cal,Mg and possibly N and K) by too low pH (sorry @Myfriendis410)
You’re welcome , @Myfriendis410 , we all help each other here
So I’m in the same boat essentially, anyways, I just would like to know about your sources on soil Ph…because I’ve heard stuff from all over this forum and other sources, just wondering what is correct, I water at 6.9 Ph and it comes out 6.0…took 7 plants to try and figure out the drop ratio because I was getting the runoff to test too soon and getting awkward measurements, the last 3 plants I did, ph dropped .9, so I try to go in at 6.9 to come out 6.0
Ive been watering with 6.3 and my run off is now 6.5. The bigger plant is going great now really showing growth everyday and getting more green, but the smaller is growing but is alot slower the top leaves are going more green, im worried that she is stunted cause they were germinated at the same time but its alot smaller, ive just started using canna veg part a and b at half strength il just wondering how often i should use these nutes?
@Chow n @Mr.Chrontini you must understand that your pH is going to vary depending on the media or the soil that you are using… it’s best to get a very good run off test when you transplant into your final home to see where you’re starting from and then you either work your way up or work your way down on the pH scale… because even though you buy one bag of soil and you buy the exact same bag of soil or vice versa it won’t matter a lot of times these are mixed in big industrial mixers or a big backhoe Is just shoveling around soil and there’s no telling what’s going to be in it or if you’ve got a highly concentrated soil or just the little tidbits that were on the edges …so it’s always best to just check what you have going in and coming out from the get-go …because no matter what , on a first transplant to its final home you want to saturate that pot big time to make sure that your soil or your media does not become hydrophobic in the first place… I see a lot of Growers having these issues and that’s why it’s such a bad thing to over water soil that has time release fertilizers because they are hit-and-miss , you can be overdoing it are under doing it …that’s why those types of soils are not recommended… not to say that you can’t use them… but you will have had to have been growing for at least three to four years I would say before you can tell what’s really going on with your ladies when using those types of soils…