Thanks @Countryboyjvd1971
Definitely she has roots coming out! Take a look
I think your ready then
Once again I am wondering why they don’t have a home yet I wouldn’t worry about the ph of the rockwool since your roots aren’t going to be in it that long once you have them in system and started. Place them into your DWC net pots with roots dangling as far as possible a and support them with hydroton/lecca etc. Mix your nutrient solution at about 1/2 recommended dose for cutting seedling ph it to 5.8 level should be just below net pot in unit 1/2-3/4" use a cup to wet rockwool with nutrient solution from the top you’ll only need to do this once or twice until roots reach point they are getting splashed by nutrient solution and lecca wicks enough moisture up to keep them happy.
Temp of nutrient solution matters as much as ph too cold roots will die in it too hot bacteria will grow in it 65-70f seems to be the friendly point if you are slightly higher you will simply need to change res more often lower than you will have slow root growth.
I know you just ordered ppm meter so we can get into that later for now less is more and ph and temps are key 5.8 is always goal but .2 within either direction won’t mean life or death adjusting too often back and forth to hit 5.8 exact can so close is good until you have it mastered. Adjust ph after adding nutrients if you intend to wait longer to put into units put them in net pots so your roots can atleast start growing into lecca with some protection from light
Thanks so much for your thorough advice @Donaldj
I’m going to be rinsing my clay pebbles as soon as I get home from work today, I haven’t even taken them out of their bag yet so they’re still dirty. I assume they don’t need to actually be washed in PH’d water? (I hope not!) I think everything pretty much makes sense that you’ve said, it’s amazing how I can research so much but once I’m actually doing this my understanding of everything isn’t so clear
My concern currently is keeping those temps right, I’m going to research how to do that today. Oh and also, should I be totally disinfecting all the pot and stuff today before I put her in the unit? (Is that necessary?)
Really hoping I can get through this grow ok!!
I transplanted her today… The whole thing makes me so nervous and I really don’t know if she’s going to survive. I just noticed some ends of her roots look withered / dried out and brown. Only very tiny bits at a couple of ends but I’m worried to see that. I wonder if they’ve gotten dried out from the light and due to not being transplanted? @Donaldj I didn’t know whether or not to touch or cut off those ‘bad’ roots so I decided to leave them alone
I thoroughly cleaned clay pebbles and then soaked them in PH’d and dechlorinated water for several hours before putting them into the mesh basket / mesh pot with my seedling/rockwool. I made sure to cover the top of the rockwool with clay to try to prevent algae. I set up the air bubble thing and also a water heater. Oh and i just realised that in amongst it all I forgot to do as you said @Donaldj and only mix nutes at half strength, I just did exactly as suggested on the nutrient package. I just don’t feel confident, I guess this is all so incredibly new to me.
So she’s in her new home now, I hope she’ll be ok but I’m not expecting too much. Hoping for the best though.
Relax the roots whither from light and air if they aren’t protected perfectly normal and why the push to get into unit If you mixed nutrients a little strong simply remove some and add fresh ph’d water to dilute simple
The rush to put into unit @Donaldj was because I thought there was a rush cos she was (& is still) yellowing a whole lot Oops. I’m such a noob. I ended up swapping out half the water in my unit for fresh, dechlorinator water. The PH tester I’ve currently got isn’t so easy for me to understand, hope my new digital one on its way is better (it’s super cheap so I’m not sure). This pic is what PH currently reads. I read that as 6.5 but the colour might be off on computer screens (it did look to have a verrrry slight green tint in person), what you reckon?
And that is why we always suggest pens even the fact nutrients are in solution changes water colour but hey we work with what have on hand at the time
I’m waiting on my PH pen to be delivered
Do you think she looks ok @Donaldj ? I can’t actually tell if she’s improving or not yet. And sorry for harassing the shit out of you!
She looks healthier then before @Dopehat
When do you get ph meter ?
I’m shade color blind so I don’t use those liquid types myself but from what I saw in your picture I see it being closer to 7ish my self
But again can’t trust my eyes you digital meter will make your life much easier for sure
She’s looking happier
Thanks @Countryboyjvd1971 and @Donaldj I feel encouraged! My PH pen is due to arrive in probably 2 days. It’s super cheap so hopefully it’ll do the job for the moment!
will be far more accurate than guessing a shade of colour lol it’s alright I bought what should’ve been a tds/ppm meter but is a EC meter so have to calculate every nutrient mix from EC to ppm so it matches my notes lmao