Not quite sure what to do

Hi ! Just looking for some advice on LST. I’m on week 3 growing a northern lights auto flower. The plant doesn’t really bend as much as it just leans, the stem is pretty thick. It does seem to get more light this way. Or should I just grow it straight. First plant first grow dont wanna screw it up.

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Just let her grow. Autos are very picky.


I have one side tied. Leave it or untie it

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I’d leave it tied but that’s just me brother


This is an auto coming up on 4 weeks. Just started LST tonight.



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In the future, try to start LST about when the plant gets its 5th node or set of leaves. That’s just my preference. I bend the entire main stem gently to a 90 degree and tie off to the pot. As the lower branches grow out, I bent them outward and try to turn the stem around the pot rim. Sometimes that’s hard to do with autoflower strains as the stem tends to harden off pretty quickly.


Leave it tied but I agree dont bend until the 2nd node from the top can reach the edge (usually around 4-6 depending how much they stretched)and never tie circles I made that mistake you create choke points that they grow around you just want to create an arch


Its way too stiff to bend the main stem. Ill just leave it the way it is. But thank you for the direction. It is very helpful


I start them when they’re really small as soon as anything can reach the edge of the pot is when it gets tied down. I grow photos but it’s the same thing when it comes to LST

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