Question on autos

Ok the question is that pictured are the same plants grown the same way. One on the left started blooming about 2 weeks ago and the other hasn’t. They are ILGM northern lights both 5 1/2 weeks old.
Should I drop lights from 18/6 to 12/12 for a couple of days to start budding?

@Givemefire … if your shorting lite time it will cause it to finish faster . but with less yield. if you want a more robust plant and have the time and grow space ,id stay on the 18/6 as to that’s what its flowering on now . Good growing .Hammer


We had another discussion almost exactly like this yesterday. You can read that here:

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Update second is now budding, so no need to mess with lights. Guess every auto grow is like playing craps. I may just stick with photoperiod, they are predictable.

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Nice looking girls. Good job so far bro

Thank you…

Its like this:( EACH Auto Plant have a clock set to bloom ) ( THATS EACH PLANT ).
It doesn’t matter what you do it will Flower only! only !now when that cloick go’s off.
You can copy and paste this to your t


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You can do what you want, but I would suggest you not give up on autos.

They are actually kind of fun, but then, I grow under the sun and they make for a good summer crop.

Seems like they would make good candidates for a sea of green if you wanted a variety in one grow inside.

Just something to consider.

Happy growing!

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It’s just weird the 2 of the same seed order totally grow different and to bud 2 weeks apart. Just making an observation of this grow.

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Not giving up on them it awesome to be able to flower in 2700k and auto in normal. This is what I dreamed of way back in the 80’s.
Just playing catch up after being out of it for years

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That’s genicits each seed is totally different. They may Look the same smell the same .It all go’s back generations. All of a sudden you may have a plant that may look and go into to flower like it’s Greatt, great grandmother lol


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It is a crap shoot. It actually make each grow totally different

That is correct. And make’s it interesting. Lol.


Got it. Why don’t they put that somewhere.

They have that’s how i