First-time indoor grower here. I planted two E1 Epsilon seeds from RQS. Both seem very squat and bushy, but one is slightly smaller in stature than the other and growing at a strange angle. My hunch is it’s not stretching for light, as it looks pretty happy in that respect. Too strong light? My question: what’s up with the stalk? You can see in one of the pictures it’s grown almost in a loop just beneath the surface of the soil, with lots of little roots coming out of its loopy bit. Any ideas what’s caused this? And what I can do to fix it/not make it worse? My impulse is to add a bit more soil… but the plant’s leaves are already so close to the ground. The other plant also had a curve, but is a lot straighter. I planted germinated seeds on 23 September, so these girls are not yet three weeks old. Temperature pretty stable at around 22-23c, and humidity stable around 48-50%. I had trouble getting humidity higher for long periods when they were seedlings, in case that’s relevant. I don’t know!
Just looks like the plant’s tap root to me. No harm, plants look healthy! i have had a couple come up like that, i normally just pack more dirt around her to help em stand up.
You can also tie a string from the main stem to a hole in ur grow bag to straighten her up
Thanks Highgrow. Good idea about the string. I’ll try that.
Agreed with @Highgrow, I think they look healthy and you could help them to stand a bit more straight by packing some soil around the stem, as far as I know, better like yours than stretched-out stems.
Ok, thanks! Will try that for sure.
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Just wait till that dog legged bottom stem gets fat. You won’t be worrying about it then. Looks fine to me.
And I meant to mention… those are very healthy looking plants!