Normal bud progression or problem?

SLH auto #1, my problem child. She came up May 10th sideways with one coty and a nub where the other was suppose to be, flowered on June 28 (7weeks) and is still going. Today is her 15th week birthday suppose i should celebrate with a slice of wedding cake! I told her to hurry the heck up cause her cousins are coming soon, they been stewing for 2 days now.


What a beast :+1:t3: looking fantastic my friend


Thank you, yea she started out so messed up i wasnt sure she would make it so I started another SLH auto and then she grew bigger than the replacement one did

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Now she needs to finish or get off the pot! Already cleaned the tent with H2O2 an dropped round 2

ILGM Maui Waui Fem learning to scuba dive…

Manbearalienpig Auto

An auto and photo in the same tent, this may turn into a cage fight!


MBAP ready to rock, 3.5 days from seed to :seedling:


Got home from work to this little one with her seed membrane on her head like a party hat! :partying_face:

I put a drop of water on her head and told her not to drop it, never too early for LST :sweat_smile: After 10 minutes it was soft and easily removed with a toothpick :sunglasses:


Glad I didn’t recognize it this morning or I’d been late for work


Maui Waui taking her sweet time :pensive: hopefully she’ll sprout soon!

Neighbors came by to drop off some fertilizer


You out there gobblin at those hens?

They’re good till the second week in October, of course they disappear the week before then and the deer…I swear they got a built in calendar lol


ILGM Super Lemon Haze Auto #1 at 109 days above ground, 60 days flower. She’s just been getting sweet tea for a week now, shares the molasses with her fungal buddy’s who in turn have been feeding her chicken legs & tater salad…with a slingshot gauging how pleasingly plump she’s becoming.


She’s coming down soon. Think I’m going to chop a cola a day probably this coming week. The tester cut last week has near perfect effects for my tastes :bomb:


SLH Auto #1 . At 110 days up, 61 in flower. The last of 3 plants in my first grow went out with a single finger wave! I decided to take one of the colas each day so trim jail would be more like a time out, ended up lasting 6.5 hours after finding bud rot! It was on 3 colas. Each instance was small and between the branch and bud where a dried 3 finger leaf was. The leaf came out easy and I got a slight whiff of something unusual for a split second is how I found it. Cut the rot out and adjacent buds, poured 100% peroxide on and around the area then did the 3 part bud wash. With temps 76-73 & RH at 49-55% day and 73-68 59-63% at night along with 3 circulating, 1 exhaust and 1 100 cfm MUA fan I didn’t think this would happen, probably my first mistake.
It looked like it was just getting started, lost 2-3 oz wet weight so it could have been worse. Not sure what I could/can do to prevent it.

The colas affected were among those super cropped due to her height at mld/end of June I believe, have to check notes. Been giving her just molasses water every 2 days the last 12 days.Two colas were being supported with tie between bud and branch, one was laying on support all 3 were horizontal. Moving forward perhaps I should be more vigilant removing small multi finger leafs embedded in buds as they fade. Just trying to identify potential contributor’s so I reduce the threat if possible. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

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Edit: I wrote 100% peroxide ment undiluted 3% peroxide

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Plus one for coco here, gamechanger


Well the first Maui Waui was a no show. Dropped second attempt last Friday, 6 days later she pooped her helmet head up. This round is off to an interesting start, 1 no go & 2 helmet heads, 1 of which (Maui) took a week before coming up
Maui Waui after I removed hull , still gotta remove membrane

No real knowledge from experience on autos or indoor. However if the plant is struggling for light it will still try and stretch. Photos go through a big stretch when done outdoors when they start to transition to flower and through out that stage. My assessment would be don’t dial back the lights on autos keep them at normal vegetative height and intensity. Also could be the crude genetics popping out. Nothing in nature works exactly the same every time. I definitely wouldn’t cut my losses and chop that’s just gonna make you question till the end of time what if I’d have kept going. Also try lowering the temps in dark periods to get the trichomes to start changing over to milky and amber.

SLH Auto #1 been drying 5 days at 74-76/ 45-50% to speed up cause I was bud rot nervous. Got a lil toasty on the outside so I bucked them and put into jars until I ran out, rest in plastic for now. Total for the last of 3 in first grow was 288 grams which was a lil bit more than the other 2 combined, this from the one I thought wasn’t gonna make it past sprouting!

Totals for first grow…
Wedding Cake auto 178 g
Super Lemon Haze Auto 1 #1 288 g
Super Lemon Haze Auto #2 72 g
538 g from 3, not to shabby for the first time :grinning: